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Sat Feb 5th, 2011 @ 11:41pm

Lieutenant JG John Crichton

Name John Crichton

Position Assistant Chief Intelligence Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 28

Physical Appearance

Height 6' 1"
Weight 210 lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description He is average build. He hair is usually short and scruffy but has been known to tidy it up when needed. If he is not working, you would find it hard to see him in his uniform.


Father Captain Thomas Crichton (Retired)
Mother Lieutenant Claudia Crichton (Deceased)
Sister(s) Dr Becky Richmond MD
Other Family Lieutenant David Richmond (Brother-in-law), Claudia Richmond (Niece).

Personality & Traits

General Overview He is one for thinking on his toes. This is one of the reasons he joined Starfleet Intelligence. He likes a laugh and to interact with others but is good at hiding his true feeling. While working he tends to keep to himself but can work in a team if needs be.
Strengths & Weaknesses His strengths include a good memory and he can be quite efficient. He is a fast runner, he even represented his class at the Academy. His weaknesses include his stubbornness. If he feels he is right, he wont stand down. It always takes him a long time to trust any one.
Ambitions To Captain his own Intelligence vessel one day.
Hobbies & Interests Texas Hold'em, reading, jogging
Languages Federation Standard English, French, German, Klingon (two dialects), Vulcan

Personal History John was born in Toronto, Canada. His mother was working at Starfleet Head Quarters, so it allowed her to spend more time with the kids. Unfortunately his father was stationed on a ship and during his youth, John saw little of him. When his mother died in an accident, his father was granted a transfer to Starbase 001 where he could continue to look after his kids, but at the same time continue to work.

While at school, he saw little interest in education and would often skip school. One day during High School, he managed to hack into the school's computer system and changed his records. So he wouldn't get caught, he changed the records of several other pupils. When he discovered he had gotten away with it, he knew what his calling was and studied hard.

Soon as he was old enough, John applied to Starfleet Academy. He chose the field of Intelligence because of his previous hijinx. As he progressed through the training, he found it harder than he thought it would be but he pushed harder and eventually made it. After graduation, he stayed at Starfleet Intelligence for a bit as an encryption specialist. After a few years, he transferred to the USS Great Britain

The Great Britain was mainly on the edge of the Neutral Zone. And John's main job was decrypting Romulan communications then encrypting it again to send to Starfleet Intelligence. For awhile he was made Assistant Chief Intelligence Officer due to the Chief going MIA for some time. He had gone under cover and it was only meant to last for two weeks, but after three months with no word, they officially declared him MIA.

He is now transferring to the USS Iapetus as the Assistant Chief Intelligence Officer.
Service Record 2375 - 2379: Starfleet Academy - Intelligence Cadet
2379 - 2382: Ensign - USS Great Britain - Encryption Specialist
2382 - 2385: Lieutenant (Junior Grade - USS Great Britain - Encryption Specialist
2385 - ????: Lieutenant (Junior Grade) - USS Iapetus - Assistant Chief Intelligence Officer