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FAA Assistants Needed

Posted on Tue Apr 14th, 2009 @ 3:05am by Captain Vorn Krace

Hear Ye, Hear Ye! Commodore Patricia York is looking for Assistants to help her spread the word about HF!
Do you like writing Ads? Do you want to help out by bringing in more players to the Fleet?

The Horizon Fleet Advertising Department is looking for Fleet Advertising Assistants to help Commodore York spread the word about Horizon Fleet.

Fleet Advertising Assistant responsibilities include:
-Sending weekly Fleet ads (2+ per week)
-Developing and implementing an advertising strategy for their respective TF with the Ad Director and the TFCO
-Working with any simms in their designated task force to enhance their recruitment when requested by the CO
-Monthly report to Ad Director & relevant TFCO

In order to be considered for FAA, you need to have an active character in Horizon Fleet, request an FAA application from Commodore York by April 20, 2009, and submit it by April 27, 2009.

Commodore York can be reached at

Thank you and good luck!

Commodore Patricia York
Advertising Director
Horizon Fleet


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