Tour - Observation Lounge

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Most commonly utilised as the senior staff's conference room, this area of the ship is used as a meeting place for the ship's seniormost officers as well as special events and gatherings and VIP mission briefings. Some officers go to the observation lounge simply for the view when it is not in use.

Additional Information

Location Deck 1
Description On any Starfleet ship, a well equipped and private briefing room is essential. Though the ship is equipped with a number of conference rooms of varying specification, the captain and senior officers need a dedicated area, away from the rest of the crew, in which they can discuss orders without fear of interruption, make plans for forthcoming missions and consider other points relating to the general running of the ship. The observation lounge is located at the very front of deck one, and provides easy and immediate access onto the bridge should any crisis develop during a meeting.

The Luna class observation lounge is equipped with a long conference table whose curvature matches that of the exterior hull and provides seating an basic LCARS control interfaces for ten individuals. Two display screens are located at either end of the room along with a pair of replicators, and one large mission briefing screen is located on the aft bulkhead, opposite the viewports which face out over the bow of the ship.

As this terminal is one of the few visual access points on the ship designed for viewing by an entire room that allows visual access to materials which may go above the security clearance level of officers present (at the captain's discretion when mission-critical), a security feature of the main briefing screen is that it is permanently blank when not in use or when the room is emptied until it is manually activated, thus preventing data from being left on the screen and viewed by the next individual to enter the room.