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X Marks the Spot

Posted on Thu Aug 13th, 2009 @ 12:35am by Captain Vorn Krace & Lieutenant Commander Abigail Valera

Mission: Dark Discoveries
Location: Guarded Station
Timeline: Immediately after "Heroic Sacrifice"

Abigail peered around the corner to see if there was anyone coming. So far there was nothing. The woman beckoned to Annalyn and stepped out into the adjacent corridor.

Annalyn opened her shields, she could hear people off behind then, but not in the direction they were going, not for quite a ways. "Its clear," she whispered to Abigail.

Abigail nodded and continued down the way she thought was the right way.

Annalyn kept a hand on Abigail's shoulder, with her senses open she was a bit disorientated. She caught a thought from in front and tightened her hold, to warn her.

Abigail felt the grip tighten and she dragged Annalyn into a dark spot along the corridor. She looked at Annalyn, nodding her thanks.

As the two officers hid behind a bulkhead, they watched as a pair of individuals walk around the corner and down the corridor. They were armed with a simple disruptor pistol, but by the look of their clothing and their demeanour as they conversed, they were more scientists than part of the stations security force. Clearly aggitated by the sound and shake of the explosion earlier, they were however still going about their business - assumedly, loud noises and shaking aboard this station were fairly commonplace.

Further down the corridor, just at the edge of the two starfleet officer's line of sight the two beings turned into a room to the left side of the corridor - presumably towards their laboratory.

Abigail turned to Annalyn, "We need a way into that room. I think that's our objective," she whispered. After the two scientist type people walking by she wasn't going to take any chances, "We need to disguise ourselves as new scientists here. Its probably our only way into that room!"

Annalyn concentrated and translocated two lab coats to their feet. "That should help," she whispered, putting on the lab coat.

Abigail grinned as she slid into her coat, "Come on act normal. Pretend that we have only just arrived and are ready to work." She looked both ways before stepping into the corridor. So far so good. She started walking towards the room where she and Annalyn had seen two others enter just a few moments before.

As the two officers entered the laboratory, they were able to take in the view that the expansive room provided. Completely covereing one wall were several large panes of re-enforced windows, beyond which could be seen the space surrounding the station, with the various pirate ships going about their business. There was a distinct haze that could be seen the other side of the windows - a tell tale sign of a series of holoprojectors projecting just another portion of the asteroid that the station was concealed within, and a part of, to protect the lab. Probably stolen from an old Federation observation post, used for studying the development of pre-warp civilizations.

The lab itself was filled with roughly six scientists, and various arrays of equipment. In one section of the laboratory were several containers, presumably to contain the metreon particles. Covering the expanse of several tabletops which had been pushed together in the center of the room was a large device, which looked to be in the final stages of construction.

Abigail nodded to Annalyn and began walking towards the device. She knew that they were in the right place, but now they had to complete their objective and get the hell out of there.

Annalyn walked over to a couple of the scientist who were talking. Speaking Makhalian, she ask if they could tell her what she was suppose to be doing, and of course they could not understand her. Switching to heavily accented federation, she ask what they were supposed to be doing, didn't want any accidents, by now a couple more scientist had drifted over to her.

The eldest scientist, and presumably the superior one, spoke to them with a scowl on his face. "Access that terminal over there, and assemble those parts to the cascade as it instructs." He said, pointing to one array of components. There were yet more components on the other side of the room, but presumably they were part of the final assembly.

Abigail nodded and went over to the terminal that he had pointed out. She reached out to Annalyn with her mind, 'Annalyn do we set the beacon now or do we wait?' Abigail knew that the woman could read her thoughts. If Annalyn said go ahead then they would, but they would have to do it slowly and it would take time which they might not have.

Annalyn looked at the screen for a few minutes then went over to the Cascade, and picked up a piece. Acting like She was placing it, she motioned to Abigail to come help her. Then whispered to her, "Plant the thing" As soon as Abigail had it in place, under some protrusion, Annalyn put her had on Abigail's Shoulder and teleported them back out of the room. Hitting her comm badge, =/= Its placed, lets get out of here. =/=

Lieutenant Annalyn Latoon
Chief Medical Officer
USS Iapetus

Lieutenant Abigail Valera
Chief Science Officer
USS Iapetus


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