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Posted on Wed Sep 23rd, 2009 @ 12:18pm by Lieutenant Commander Abigail Valera & Captain Vorn Krace

Mission: Into a Devil's Heart
Location: Captain's Quarters
Timeline: MD04 0800

The night before, Vorn had left Abigail a message on her terminal in her quarters. He still wasn't quite sure whether he had been forgiven or not yet, and he wasn't sure whether their personal dispute would overspill into their professional interactions. That, and he did miss the friendship they had enjoyed before.

The message was a simple one; Join me for breakfast? My quarters, 0800. Now, he was sat at the table in his room, looking out at the stars, and waiting to see if she would actually come.

Abigail re-read the message. She looked at the stars outside and made a snap decision. She got up and dressed. Abigail walked out of her quarters to Vorn's door and chimed it. She gently brushed down her uniform to make herself look presentable and waited for a reply.

"Come!" Vorn called, as he stood to greet his guest, glancing at the time. 0802 - it would be an unlikely coincidence if the visitor wasn't Abigail at this time in the morning.

Abigail entered Vorn's quarters. "You said you wanted breakfast with me?" Abigail walked towards Vorn and stood at ease in front of him. She was still deciding if she should forgive him or not and she would give him the chance for her to forgive him.

"Yes, please have a seat," Vorn said, indicating one of the two chairs set around the table while he went over to the replicator to get the food. "I still feel I need to apologise somewhat, with a gesture, rather than words." As he walked back to the table, he carried with him two plates of steaming pancakes, with syrup covering them and dribbling down the sides, and a lump of butter atop them. "Would you like something to drink?" he asked as e set them down. He was doing his best to try and act normally, despite the awkward air that had hung around the two of them for the last week.

"Milk please," Abigail said in awe. While Vorn's hand was still on the plate, Abigail grabbed it and squeezed it gently. She smiled up at Vorn and then let go.

Smiling back at her, taking the squeeze on his hand at the sign he needed to know he was forgiven, he went to the replicator, and ordered a glass of cold milk, and a cup of coffee. Returning to the table with the two drinks, he sat in the chair opposite her, with the windows looking out to the star-streaked space of warp travel to his right.

Abigail took her glass of milk and drank it. "How have things been with you Vorn?" She hesitated and then said, "I've missed our friendship and relationship." She smiled and waited for Vorn to speak.

"I have too," Vorn replied, as he rested his elbows on the table and took a sip of the steaming coffee. He sighed as he pondered the answer to her question. "I guess I'm fine, in the general scheme of things. It is stressful, though, trying to deal with what Peter's done, and the knowledge that it has to be me who must go after him."

"You're not alone Vorn. You will never be alone. You have me, Bradley, Annalyn, Raging, and everyone else that you hold dear. We are here for you as you are here for us." She smiled at Vorn to show that all was forgiven and went on in a whisper, "Especially me."

Vorn smiled at her. "Thank you." After a moment, he looked down towards his breakfast and picked up his knife and fork. "Now, come on, let's eat up or it'll go cold," he said, more light-heartedly than he had been felt for the last week.

Abigail picked up her fork and dug into her pancakes. She let the butter melt on her tongue and the syrup slide down her throat. Abigail felt like she was in heaven because theses pancakes were so good!

They sat and ate their breakfasts contently, with slight conversation going between them during the meal. After they had finished, and Vorn had recycled the plates they sat and looked out at the stars, and talked. At just past nine, however, Vorn's combadge chirped.

=^= "Krace, Walex, when you have the time, I would like to speak to both of you." =^= - The channel came from Ashley's combadge.

Vorn inwardly groaned when he heard the request from the Petty Officer. He didn't know whether he felt ready to talk to her yet after her agreeing to go with Peter, though he reminded himself that she had been taken along on false pretences. =/=On my way,=/= he replied verbally, tapping the combadge on his chest.

"Sorry, duty calls," he said to Abigail, as he stood from his seat.

Abigail stood up and went to Vorn and gently kissed his cheek, "I forgive you Vorn. Just think before you act next time OK? I was upset that you yelled at me." She turned and headed for the door. A few moments later, Vorn followed her out.

Captain Vorn Krace
Commanding Officer
USS Iapetus


Lieutenant Abigail Valera
Chief Science Officer
USS Iapetus


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