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The Decision's Been Made

Posted on Sun Dec 6th, 2009 @ 8:38pm by Captain Vorn Krace & Commander Peter Brown

Mission: Into a Devil's Heart
Location: Captain's Ready Room
Timeline: MD11 0900hrs

Vorn sat still behind his desk, littered with ignored PADDs, as he regarded the man infront of him. Not so long ago, this man had been a close friend for Vorn, and trusted enough to be his first officer. Now, that same man had surrounded himself with such an aura of distrust in Vorn's eyes, that he couldn't trust him with such a high post again, regardless of the ruling of Captain Webster.

"I had to think long and hard about what to do with you, Peter," he began, addressing the man who stood the other side of his desk, since Vorn hadn't offered him a seat. "You betrayed my trust, and orders or no, that isn't something that I take lightly." He paused to let that statement sink in to the man's conscience.

"However, I've decided that the best place I can keep my eye on you is right here. I'm assigning you the position of Chief Strategic Operations Officer, effective immediately. I'm also - against my better judgement - authorising the promotion Captain Webster recommended you for." He handed Peter a PADD detailing his new orders and a small black box, containing his new pip.

Peter took the box and looked at it then looked at an padd then took an deep breath

"Why do I deserve this? I don't, I did it all because of my heart, and I was a fool. I have learnt to be more careful with who I give my trust to, and will likely never trust again for a long time. If you don't trust me, so be it as it's what I deserve," replied Peter coldly.

"The promotion?" Vorn said, though the question was rhetorical. "You're getting that because the Court recommended it, and I can't deny that it was your actions that saved the lives of those crew, who can now go through prosecution themselves.

"As for your new position, you're right, I don't trust you right now. You forfeited my trust when you did what you did, and it will take you a long time to build that trust back. But as an officer, when you follow orders, you are an asset to the crew; an asset I intend to use," he explained. "Starfleet is in need of skilled officers as it is, and I can't afford to kick one out after they've had charges against them dropped and been recommended for promotion."

"Well then, I can't be trusted- I never have, so it would be better if we only speak when it comes to the job, as privately I don't want to speak to anyone anymore." The coldness of Peter's tone was evident, as a man who was giving up on an lot of things, concentrating on the one thing he felt he had left; his job.

"That's your own choice," Vorn replied equally as coldly, a man whom had distanced himself from feelings of friendship with a person all too recently. "Dismissed."

Captain Vorn Krace
Commanding Officer
USS Iapetus


Commander Peter Brown
Chief Strategic Operations Officer
USS Iapetus


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