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Meeting Lt Abbott

Posted on Tue Jan 19th, 2010 @ 8:56pm by Captain Vorn Krace & Lieutenant JG Jourdan Abbott

Mission: Borderline Diplomacy
Location: Observation Lounge
Timeline: MD01 1930hrs

As the three officers left Vorn to his data in the observation lounge, he noted a new report on one of the screens he had tasked with displaying any messages for him, stating that his new Chief Operations Officer had just arrived onboard. Knowing that she would probably ask the first officer to direct her to him, he settled back into his research and waited for her.

Jourdan was nervous to meet her new captain, but she stood on the other side of the observation lounge door thinking of what to say. She pressed the bell and waited to be summoned in.

"Come," Vorn said, almost before the chime had finished sounding.

The doors swished open and Jourdan edged through. She wandered over to where he was sitting and stood at attention. "Lieutenant Jourdan Abbott, reporting for duty sir" she said nicely.

"Welcome aboard, Lieutenant," Vorn said, diverting his attention away from his screens. "I trust the station hasn't been too boring whilst you wait for us, has it?"

"No sir, thankyou sir" Jourdan said slightly nervous, her speech not flowing smoothly but coming out in irregular chunks of conversation.

"Glad to hear it," Vorn responded. "Have you had a chance to review the ship's specifications yet?"

"Yes sir, Luna Class starship" Jourdan said reciting her transfer papers in her head.

"And I trust that you are familiar then with her supply requirements?" Vorn pressed, looking for a more departmental-specific knowledge of the ship.

"Yes sir, resupply every four years and a refit of main systems and computer devices every eight years at a major starbase or starship construction facility" Jourdan replied.

Vorn nodded, looking down at his PADD automatically for a moment. "I need you to familiarise yourself with the inventory of standard resupply items that we take on each time we return to a starbase, Lieutenant, and I need you to do it quickly. I want us to leave tomorrow, as soon as we're restocked. My first officer is currently handling most resupply requests, but I need him working on other things as well, so I need you and your quartermaster to coordinate with him, and get us resupplied on time." He looked the new Lieutenant in the eye. "Can handle that, Lieutenant?"

"Yes sir" she replied sweetly looking him directly back.

"Excellent, see to it. Dismissed."

Captain Vorn Krace
Commanding Officer
USS Iapetus


Lieutenant JG Jourdan Abbott
Chief Operations Officer
USS Iapetus


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