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Unanswered Questions

Posted on Fri May 28th, 2010 @ 5:36pm by Commander Peter Brown & Captain Vorn Krace

Mission: Shadows Fall
Location: USS Iapetus - Captain's Ready Room
Timeline: 4 Days Prior to MD01

Peter walked into the Captain's Ready Room and stood there for several moments. In his mind he looked at the Captain who he once called his friend, but what he had to do he wanted to keep the captain out of it even though it broke the Captains trust

"You wanted to see me Sir?"

"Yes," Vorn said, sitting behind his desk as Peter stood infront of him. They were still en-route from Bevrud to DS7, and Vorn had been finishing off a few details of the report he would be sending on ahead of them to Starfleet Command. However, he had called his former XO to him to clear up an oddity he had observed during the course of the mission. Placing his PADD down on the desk, he interlaced his fingers in front of himself.

"During the mission on Bevrud, I saw you inject yourself with a hypospray you had somehow managed to conceal from the insurrectionists. I want to know what was in it, and why you felt it necessary to keep secret a concealed and likely unauthorised medication from me."

Peter looked at the Captain for several moments then took an deep breath the looked at his Commanding Officer

"Quoting Regulations; if it doesn't under mind my duty any Medical situation an member of the crew is having dose not require to tell there Captain, unless you don't trust me that much and look at me at disdain for one event that you think it was not authorized" Replied Peter choking the last bit. Even though Vorn had lost trust in Peter; Peter on the other hand trusted him and still thought of him as an friend who he doubted would understand why he tried to protect the Captain as in his Mind he couldn't allow Vorn to go against his Morals and it required Peter to throw away his chances of ever having an Command

"Allow me to quote regulations back to you, Peter," Vorn said, standing and moving around his desk. "'When an officer is ordered to join an away team, they are to inform the commander of said away team of any physical or mental health issues, or any emotional issues which may have an effect on the mission.' I should say requiring to carry and use a concealed hypospray qualifies." He paused as he looked Peter squarely in the eyes for a moment. "I can't and won't order you to tell me what your condition is, Peter, but you have a duty to follow these regulations, and after your past performance, I am well within my right to call you up on every one that you ignore."

Peter took an deep breath then looked at his Captain. "What do you know about the long term effects of Devil's Nebula?" asked Peter sullenly. "As if you had known, you would understand why I did all that I did; to break your trust to keep you safe. It's more then Federation Security," replied Peter.

"Don't pull that one on me again, Peter," Vorn responded. "Whatever the effects of the nebula, we all entered it anyway when we went after you and the Sierra. And regardless of that, we all knew and understood the risks when we signed up to Starfleet. If every member of the crew decided to break regulations to keep me safe and out of harms way, then I would be confined to some bunker down on Earth. Life on a starship as a part of Starfleet is inherently dangerous, and I know and accept that. It's time you do too. Danger being present is not an excuse to ignore the rules and regulations put down before us."

Peter took a deep breath as he looked at Vorn. "Even if I would have asked you; you wouldn't come, and Vorn there is one thing you don't realize. You think its something else all together and you weren't in there long term. You see, when I was there before I was involved in a Mission where I was at the center of the Nebula where Delta Radiation is the greatest. I was told that if I ever entered Devils Nebula again it will accelerate the Delta Rays that were in my body to a point where without medication I would die.

"Vorn I went knowing that I would die. I was prepared for that if it saved the Federation. Yes, I hated my Father," Peter continued, walking to the window and looking out to space. "Yes, you are my Captain; but I thought of you as my friend. I didn't want you to suffer my fate. It is not possible to find a cure for this. The symptoms it will give me without medication are great pain, so much so that the blood vessels in my jugular would burst, killing me. I know now that what I have done was wrong. I had good intentions towards you; as your first officer I was to protect you even if was to protect you from myself. I am sorry, but I failed at that," finished Peter.

"Is there anything else Sir?"

"No. Dismissed, Commander," Vorn replied, though his voice wasn't kind, it wasn't quite as harsh as it had been during their other arguments, and at the start of this one. He wondered how many times they would have this argument, though he knew that they were slowly getting somewhere, with each new bit of information Peter told him.

Captain Vorn Krace
Commanding Officer


Commander Peter Brown
Chief Strategic Operations Officer
USS Iapetus


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