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A Captain's Ponderings

Posted on Thu Oct 30th, 2008 @ 6:35pm by Captain Vorn Krace

Mission: Dark Discoveries
Location: Krace's Quarters
Timeline: Current

The doors to the darkened quarters of Captain Krace slid open with their characteristic whoosh, and the room's occupant stepped through tiredly, calling out; "Computer; Lights."

It was mid-afternoon, and he'd opted to take a couple of hours off work for a short rest. It had been a busy day so far - they had launched for the very first time in their new ship, and there had been various logistical issues along the way - crew being double-assigned quarters where they shouldn't have, too many enlisted being assigned to a bunk room... too much for him to just 'dump' all of it on Peter.

Technical issues, however, there had been few of - whether that was just that his CEO was handling them quietly, or that there genuinely weren't any issues, Vorn wasn't sure. He was sure though that he didn't have anything to complain about here.

Throwing his jacket onto his sofa, he walked over to the bed and threw himself unceremoniously onto his back, relaxing as he looked up at the ceiling. It looked strange compared to the ceiling view he was used to from his bed - a sign how much Starfleet designs had changed in even that department over time.

He reached over and picked up a PADD from his bedside table, frowning slightly. He was still confused about the ambiguity of their orders - it sounded essentially like they were put on detached duty, basically meaning that their assignment was completely down to him. They'd been told to investigate anything they find interesting... with their new ship class, Vorn could only assume that would mean something scientific, but who could be sure?

Putting the PADD to the side, Vorn put his questions to the back of his mind, and closed his eyes to get some rest before he went back to work...


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