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New Ability

Posted on Thu Apr 2nd, 2009 @ 12:13am by Captain Vorn Krace & Lieutenant Bradley Openhouse

Mission: Dark Discoveries
Location: Captain's Ready Room
Timeline: MD4 1200hrs

Vorn was sitting in his chair when he heard the chime of his ready room door. "Come." he called.

Bradley entered the ready room and sat down in one of the chairs.

Vorn looked up as his new counsellor entered his ready room. Making a presumption as to why the Lieutenant was there, he said; "I'm assuming that Doctor LaToon has told you the details of what has gone on lately, then?"

"Yes she has. I came up here to see how your handling your new abilities?" said Bradley.

"Well, so far I haven't been hearing any of the crew's thoughts." Vorn replied. "And the nebula life-forms are mainly being background noise, right now." Vorn leant back in his chair, as the chair itself pivoted to accomodate the movement. "It feels strange, though. Almost as if I'm in a room, full of people all talking at once, and yet each voice indistinguishable from the other. And every time I think about it, I feel as if a great amount of responsibility has been put on my shoulders."

"Interesting." said Bradley.

Vorn look a moment at the Lieutenant on the other side of his desk, and asked lightheartedly; "Were you expecting more, Counsellor?"

"I didn't mean it like that Captain, it just I find it interesting about how you phrased your new talent." said Bradley.

"I honestly don't know any other way to describe it." Vorn said. "It's something compeltely different to anything I've ever experienced before."

Bradley understood. "I am going to talk to the other telepaths on board and compair their incounters with yours and then I would like to have a group session so that everyone can talk about what they experienced." said Bradley.

Vorn nodded. "I appreciate your help, Counsellor."

"My door is always open for you Captain. If you need to talk just come on down and we'll figure it out." said Bradley as he stood prepared to be dismissed.


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