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Chief Medical Officer's Personal Log

Posted on Fri Jan 1st, 2010 @ 9:38pm by Lieutenant JG Winter Balmorra


"Computer begin recording."

"Chief Medical Officer's Log, stardate................ ah......... six two six zero nine point six three. I have now been on the Iapetus for a month now. I have met mostly everyone, I met the Chief Counslelor my first day, mister Bradly Openhouse. A rather excentric fellow.............. ah well it's now been......... Computer Pause Recording!"

==^== Fifteen Seconds Later==^==

"Alright, I guess I feel like talking about this........ Computer seal the next entry by order of Starfleet Command.

It has now been two years since I was assigned to the USS Ganymede, for the record, well actually the unofficial record, I never signed up for what happened on that ship. I keep finding my self questioning my actions and those of my crewmates and for a month now I have been having a dream where I'm back on the Bridge with Axo and the klaxons are blazing.......................I didnt want any of that to happen, it was an accident and it's not Axo or Captain Brian's fault, the blame is mine and mine alone.

Computer end and seal recording.



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