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A Loud 'Discussion'

Posted on Wed Apr 22nd, 2009 @ 9:03am by Captain Vorn Krace & Lieutenant Commander Abigail Valera

Mission: Dark Discoveries
Location: Captain's Ready Room
Timeline: MD5 1100hrs

As Vorn stormed into his ready room, he noticed his computer terminal begin to reactivate, albiet slowly. That meant that Abi had put in whatever authorisation code Peter had chosen for her, and completed the unlocking of the system. For some reason though, Vorn suspected Peter wouldn't have made it that easy; unlocking the computers fully this quickly would mean that they would be able to easily capture him before he even got away; the logical thing for Peter to have done would to be force every system on the ship to run through a full, level 1 diagnostic cycle automatically, which would stop such systems as weapons or the tractor beam from becoming useable for a few more minutes.

Just as Abigail walked into the ready room, the ship shook violently. =/=Krace to Bridge. What the hell now?!=/=

=/=The Commander's shuttle has taken out our main tranceiver away. Long-range communications are down.=/=

"Dammit!" Vorn was in a rage now; how could someone he trusted enough to be his first officer betray him like this?! =/=Red Alert! Return fire!=/= He ordered, hopeful that perhaps Peter had missed something

=/=Phaser systems are being forced through a full auto-diagnostic, Captain. They won't fire until it's completed.=/=

=/=The shuttlecraft has gone to Warp, Captain.=/=

"I need you to tell me exactly what Peter meant when he said you knew it all, Lieutenant!"

Abigail's eyes lit up angrily, "With all due respect Captain all Peter said was that his ex fiancee was kidnapped by Raiders. He-he... he said he had to kill his father. I never really understood it, but I think Peter's father had his ex kidnapped. I'm not really sure on that." She bit her lip hesitant. She wasn't sure if she should explain the next part. She went on, "He showed me classified information. I think Peter had orders to do this. I saw something about Direct Command of Federation Security. What is that?"

"Peter has no orders unless they come through me! Whether it's from the desk of Federation Security or the Commander-in-Chief of Starfleet, they all know the procedure. All orders for any officer must be cleared through that person's Commanding Officer." Vorn let out a frustrated sigh, leaning heavily on his desk. "Did neither of you think to come and tell me about this? Or did Peter prefer to keep me in the dark while he blew bits of my ship off?"

Abigail hesitated then said, "I tried to get him to tell you, but he refused. I even tried to get him to let me tell you. Again he refused. I even asked, only so I could him to tell you, if I could go with him. He STILL refused. Captain, Peter cares for us all. I think he left to keep us safe."

"Safe from what?" Vorn barked, rhetorically. He clearly wasn't best pleased about all this. He ran his hand through his hair as his mind tried to process the information he had taken in over the last fifteen to twenty minutes.

"We don't have time to go after him now; we have more important priorities." He finally said, after a long awkward silence. "Dismissed," he said curtly, briefly looking over his shoulder at her.

Abigail stiffened, "I don't know why he would think we would be safe, sir." She turned and stalked out angry that the Captain would doubt her. She knew she should have gone to Vorn as soon as Peter opened his mouth. Now Vorn was angry at her. Abigail composed herself and returned to the bridge.

A Joint Post by:
Captain Vorn Krace
Commanding Officer


Lieutenant Abigail Valera
Chief Science Officer
USS Iapetus


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