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Boarding Party

Posted on Sat Jun 13th, 2009 @ 4:34pm by Captain Vorn Krace & Commander Acle Walex & Lieutenant Commander Abigail Valera

Mission: Dark Discoveries
Location: SS Mosh'Tar
Timeline: MD9 1445hrs

Acle Walex strode into the transporter room. His uniform was impeccable as always with the addition of a phaser strapped to his hip on one side, a tricordor balancing it on the other side. A sheath with a long-bladed combat knife was strapped to one leg. He nodded to the transporter room technician as he passed by.

It had been a while since he had gone on a mission. Acle thought back to the last mission that he had undertaken. The old space station. The smell, the sounds. The terrified screams of the innocent hostages, the mutterings of the terrorists.

Acle shook his head slightly, almost as if to physically clear his mind of the vestiges of that day. He went to stand beside one wall, to await the rest of the team.

Annalyn entered the transporter room, with a med bag over one shoulder, a phaser in a holster on her side, and a large pole in her hand. She was ready to beam over. She moved over to stand beside Acle.

Reynolds entered the transporter room, Type-4 rifle over his shoulder and type-2 at his belt. "Ready to go, Commander," he said, taking his place on the transporter pad.

Acle nodded "Very good Lieutenant. We will be leaving momentarily."

Raging Eagle then finally arrived in the transporter room with both the phaser and tricorder holstered that he had retrieved from the storage facility on his way to the transporter room. Nodding his head carefully, he looked about and stood upright, awaiting his further commands to be issued.

"Welcome Chief. Is everything in order for our transport?" Acle asked.

"I presume so. I, however, do not see the transporter Chief anywhere."

Almost as if on-queue, a reserved man in services gold uniform stepped into the transporter room, and with barely a glance at the other occupants, moved over to the transporter console.

Abigail entered the transporter room with her equipment. She nodded to Annalyn and the others and stepped onto the transporter pad.

=/=Bridge to Transporter Room 1. We're ready to beam you over.=/= Vorn's voice sounded over the comm.

Acle looked about the room quickly, then motioned his team to move to the transporter pads to be prepared to beam over. Once settled, Acle opened his own communications channel.

=/=Transporter Room One to Bridge. We are standing by.=/= Acle replied.

=/=Watch your backs over there, people. We'll keep an open channel and transporter lock on you at all times. Energise.=/=

The transporter chief manipulated the controls on his console, and the away team vanished from view in a blue glow.

=====SS Mosh'Tar=====

As the team materialized on board the civilian ship - with the lights a fair few grades lower than standard - Reynolds instinctively raised his rifle to bear on the first person he saw, his finger hovering over the trigger. The men facing them in the room however seemed to display only resigned complacency, as if they were complying but not best pleased about it. Feeling that there was no immediate threat, Reynolds lowered his weapon.

Annalyn lowered her mental shields to see if she could sense any immediate animosity to the away team.

Raging Eagle looked around cautiously, trying to sense if anything was out of the ordinary, or at least, out of what might be the most expected considering what was going on. He had largely expected to see some sort of power leakage somewhere across his field of vision. Ever since his organic eyes were blinded, he saw in a different way to normal human beings, and therefore, he wished to use this to his advantage.

Tag Any: Arrival Reactions.

Acle looked about the room quickly before settling his eyes on the men in the room. He noted the security chief's reactions out of the corner of his eye and gave silent approval. His own hands yearned for the reassuring feel of a rifle. As such, he was fighting an itch to unholster his phaser. Old habits died hard... If ever.

Acle took his eyes briefly off of the men in front of them to quickly scan the members of his team. Becoming satisfied that everyone had at least made it safely aboard, Acle quickly hit his combadge.

=/=Away Team to USS Iaptus. We have arrived and are continuing with operations. Away Team Out.=/=

Acle looked to the men and spoke to them for the first time. "Greetings. I am Lieutenant Commander Acle Walex, United Federation of Planets Starfleet. Under regulation 34-2, Subsection Alpha, any vessel bearing UFP colors, or has been registered on a UFP member world, can be searched by a Starfleet Vessel that has a valid reason. SS Mosh'Tar is in violation of Article 56.28 on armament of civil craft. As such, SS Mosh'Tar is to undergo a complete search. Failure to comply with the search or to obey the orders of the members of this team, or another Starfleet member will be considered in direction violation of regulation 34-2. As such, due force will be acted with in order to ensure that all UFP Regulations and Articles are abided by."

Acle paused for a moment. "You will immediately escort the commander of this vessel to meet with this team." He finished.

One of them beings in front of the away team smirked at the Lieutenant Commander's speech. "Right away Sir!" the being said in a derogatory tone. He turned about and disappeared up a corridor. The remaining beings continued to stare at the Starfleet Party.

Abigail beckoned to Reynolds and Raging, "Let's go check out the cargo area... if that's alright with you sir," Abigail asked Raging meekly. She was her superior in some ways and a friend in others. Right now he was her superior. Abigail waited for a reply hoping Raging would say yes.

Raging Eagle blinked carefully as he turned around, furrowing up his brow, "Most certainly, why would I have denied such a request?" He furrowed his brow once more, turning to follow as he had presumed that she would already be moving in the requested direction.

Abigail headed towards what she guessed would be the cargo area. This type of ship was somewhat new to Abigail, but she knew that cargo areas tended to look the same because they stored cargo. The young woman slowly walked forward, hand on phaser waiting for action. She wouldn't draw until she was fired upon.

Acle looked at Raging and Abigail and smiled slightly. They would indeed cover a great deal more area by spliting up, although it would present a greater security risk. However, Acle believed the security risk to be low enough for the potential gains, while the crew seemed insubordinate, they did not appear to be directly hostile.

"Doctor," Acle said, turning slightly towards her "You and I will procede to the bridge whenever the good Captain deigns to appear. We will try to ascertain what exactly the ship's cargo is from there."

Reynolds looked at the executive officer before moving out with the other two, the phaser rifle held at the ready in his arms. He moved to the side of the senior NCO and began to fall in beside him, eyes searching the corridor in front of him.

Captain Lekrit appeared at the other end of the room, his face flushed as if he had been either running or perhaps from a heated debate. At the sight of the Starfleet officers, he drew himself up, once again presenting himself as the proud, independent captain.

"I am Captain Lekrit, I command the SS Mosh'Tar." he said with a slight air of pomp. "Welcome aboard and may you quickly find that we have nothing here of an illegal nature."

Acle had turned to face the captain as soon as he entered, having reconized him from the screen when the USS Iapetus hailed him. "Greetings Captain. I am Lieutenent Commander Walex. We have much to discuss, including what possesed you to fire upon a Starfleet Vessel. We will have plenty of time to discuss such matters. If you would be so good as to lead the way to the command center of this ship, we will follow you there." He said.

Speaking low, almost a whisper, "Our good captain seems very nervious, almost to panic mode, much worse than a person would be if their hands were clean."

Lekrit felt his cocky grin begin to slip off his face, but, with a sneer, he turned about and began to walk back the way he had came, not particularly caring if the starfleet officers followed or not.

Acle spoke into his com to the rest of the away team. =/=Walex to away team alpha. Be careful you three, these men would have no qualm about ridding the galaxy of a starfleet member. Watch your back and report to me frequently. The doctor and I will be on the bridge. Do not hesitate to inform me of anything, no matter how small. Good Luck and be safe. Walex out. ==

With a look at the doctor, Acle began to follow the captain towards the bridge.

=/=Roger that, Commander.=/= Reynolds replied, walking alongside the other two officers, senses alert.

"What exactly do you hope to find here, Starfleet?" Lekrit almost snapped as he strode onto his bridge.

Acle calmly followed the captain onto his bridge, casting an experienced eye over the bridge. It was small, much more cramped then a starfleet vessel would have been and dirty... Refuse lay in corners. Acle noted that all the consoles and assorted panels appeared to be in good repair though.

Acle noted this in his mind then deigned to reply to the captain "You tell me Captain." Acle replied, his voice dry.

Acle cast another glance at the refuse and noticed something that he had missed before... The trash almost had the appearance of being deliberately placed there... It was almost organized.

Turning to face the arrogant Starfleet officer, Lekrit couldn't help but feel as if the man's eyes were penetrating through his skull whenever he looked at him. "My cargo is foodstuffs and maintenance equipment to be delivered to a planet in the Jumaal sector. The only thing you can expect to find here other than that cargo is the litter that accompanies a crew living on a ship of this size."

"We will see. I am sure since you are not harboring anything of an ill nature that you will not object to my people making a through investigation. I would ask to see your cargo logs, but, I am sure that you are at least reasonably adept at changing them. I know I could fake them, so, I assume that you would be able to as well. Instead, I will require access to that terminal." Acle said, randomly pointing at a console where are startled crew member sat.

"That terminal?" Lekrit flustered. "That console's only purpose is to control power distribution throughout the ship. What could you possibly want with it?"

Annalynn stood in the middle of the bridge and grounded her staff, sampling the feelings around her. The Captain was clearly nervous, several of the bridge crew were hostile, several were curious, many were just upset with their interruption of a routine flight. Moving slowly in a circle, she targeted the hostile ones and moved between them and Acle.

Acle noted the movements of the doctor, and more importantly, where she ended up. To an untrained eye, his own movements did not change, but, to those who had the eye to see, his center of gravity was perfect and he walked on the balls of his feet. His hands were loosely by his sides and his shoulders were square. His expression of course never changed.

"Excellent Captain. That console will work perfectly." Acle looked towards the crewmember who was sitting at the console "It would be advisable for you to vacate that chair." he said.

The crewmember sat still for a moment longer until Acle took one step towards him, then abruptly, got up and moved to the other side of the bridge, taking care to steer well away from the man and the doctor.

Acle allowed a faint smile to appear on his face then moved to the chair, unobtrusively keeping an eye on the doctor. He entered into the console, easily by-passing the rudimentary password on the system. His eyes quickly scanned the power allocation report, noting an odd spike of power in the cargo bay. The power read-out was more then anything should require there.

Acle exited out of the report and stood, moving back beside the doctor and near the captain once again.

=/Walex to away team. There is an unusual power spike at coordinates 0,0 2,8 8,2, cargo bay. What is your status?=

Bethany Illusia froze for just a moment as she heard the communications in her ear from the concealed ear bud there. The infernal star fleet members were messing where they had no business to. They would pay, no matter the cost.

She sat at the communications console at the other side of the bridge from the power console. She edged her hand towards the hidden disruptor underneath her console and eyed the commander. She wanted him as she doubted the doctor would do much hard, but, for some reason, that same doctor was between her and the commander. No matter... She'd just take them both out. She awaited the order with a certain amount of pleasure.

Annalynn felt the increasing hostility from the Communications officer and opened up to hear what she was thinking. As she edged her hand toward what was hidden, she hit the Commbadge, =/= Emergency Beam out, NOW Lock target on the ship. =/=

Illusia whipped the disruptor from its concealed holster a second after the doctor spoke into her commbadge, she had the pleasure of seeing genuine surprise register on the face of the commander and pulled the firing stud.

The disruptor bolt shattered against the far side of the bridge, blowing a small hole in the bulkhead, revealing the circuitry beneath. She swore violently then stood. They would be back, she was sure.

------Cargo Bay-----

Eagle looked back, raising an eyebrow, "Is it just me, or is this something like its a garbage museum? Like someone had purposefully arranged this in the manner that someone arranges falsified evidence at a crime scene?" He thought for a moment, shaking his head as nothing further had come unto him.

"Possibly, Chief." Reynolds replied, as he moved through to the cargo area with him and the Lieutenant. "But for what reason?" He spoke his rehetorical question quietly, aware that there were still sufficient crewmen of the civilian ship surrounding them - not much for such a small ship, but still outnumbering the trio, his mind automatically informed him.

"Lieutenant." He said, indicating the containers around the cargo bay with a slight wave of his rifle in their direction. "Perhaps we should start with checking the contents of the containers?"

Abigail nodded, "Yes, sir. Let's get to it." Abigail cautiously stepped forward and then the wave hit. Something was wrong, but she wasn't sure what. Abigail stopped, "Raging I get this feeling that something is wrong, but I am not sure what. Any suggestions sir?"

"Well, I would simply suggest to remain on guard at all times. You never know, of course, what exactly is hiding out in a condition like this. Its...again dishonorable to me, like before. One should come out, and fight like a man," responded the aforementioned Chief Petty Officer.

While the two members of senior staff conversed, Max had been moving along and opening cargo containers, with little care for the lids, which he left open for the crew to deal with in their wake after they'd left the ship. The contents of them all were fairly mundane - food, bits of fairly common systems, some engineer's tools - the sort of thing one would expect of the ship's cargo.

As he walked towards one wall of the cargo bay, he saw one fairly large, metallic container which looked as if it would have fairly thick sides to it. It was of a cylindrical shape, lying on it's side with one hinged hatch next to a small control panel. Testing it with one hand, Max found what he had expected to; it was locked. "Lieutenant? Chief? I might have found something," he said, laying his rifle on the top of the canister as he attempted to break the code keeping the hatch closed.

A shadow stirred above the container on a crossing catwalk, almost completely invisible. Adam Rejox breathed into his mike, his words traveling no further then his own ear. "All units, this is X-Ray Actual. They have found the container. I am preparing to implement Charlie. I say again, I am preparing to implement Charlie."

Hidden amonst the depts of the cargo bay, several more shadows stirred, reaching into containers and withdrawing hand held weapons, then moving towards the star fleet members.

Rejox shifted ever so slightly and brought his sighted rifle to bear on the one in front of the container. "X-Ray Actual requesting permission to proceed with Charlie." he breathed again, his finger lightly resting on the trigger.

Eagle raised his brow, "Should we have opened lids like that? I did say to be careful..."

"If they don't open them, then there's no way of knowing what's inside." Max responded. "The tricorder won't even read what's-" He suddenly cut himself off and grabbed his rifle as he heard Annalyn's call for an emergency beam out, recognising the disruptor fire that erupted from above even as he shimmered out of view in a blue glow with the others.

Rejox's trigger finger had just been a hair slower then that damned transporter. He swore violently then spoke into his mike. "X-Ray Actual to all units! Prepare to repel boarders and blow charges!"

Lieutenant Max Reynolds
Assistant Chief of Security
Played by Vorn Krace

Lieutenant Commander Acle Walex
Acting Executive Officer
Chief Intelligence Officer

Lieutenant Abigail Valera
Chief Science Officer

Lieutenant Annalyn LaToon
Chief Medical Officer

Master Chief Petty Officer Raging Eagle
Chief of the Boat
USS Iapetus


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