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Posted on Sun Jul 12th, 2009 @ 9:51am by Captain Vorn Krace

Mission: Dark Discoveries
Location: USS Iapetus - Brig
Timeline: MD9 1907hrs

As Vorn walked along the few lines of cells in the Luna class brig, he came into view of the occupant of the last one - Captain Lekrit.

Vorn made sure that he was presenting as much of a cold, and professional persona as he could as he face the civilian Captain. He'd purposefully put off coming down here for a few hours to let the man stew, and he noticed that the other prisoner that Acle had beamed back was also awake in the cell next to Lekrit's, though Vorn ignored them.

After a moment of silence, where the two simply stared at each other, Vorn said to Lekrit; "Do you realise the charges I could bring against you?"

Lekrit didn't answer verbally, and not immediately. First, he cast a furtive glance at the wall next to him, as if he could see the occupant of the next cell, and they he. Then he nodded in silence, some of his arrogance from before dissappearing completly.

"Aside from the charges of your crew assaulting my officers, you firing on my ship, and disobeying the lawful orders of a Federation representative in the form of a Starfleet Captain, I sure there are any number of terrorist charges I could bring against your for the contents of your cargo hold. The contents of one container in particular." Vorn continued.

"I am not a part of that."

Vorn almost had to make the civilian captain repeat himself, he spoke so quietly under his breath.

"Now now, Captain. I think it's a little late for protests of innocence, don't you?"

"I'm just a pawn." Lekrit almost spat the sentence out, clearly disgusted at describing himself like that.

"What do you mean?" Vorn had known that Lekrit wasn't likely to be an important figure in this 'Guarded' organisation that Acle had told them all about, but the way in which Lekrit spoke about his role made him highly curious as to what exactly he did mean.

Lekrit's only answer was another furtive glance to the next cell over.

After only a moments pause, Vorn moved over and deactivated the force field on the communications officer's cell. Taking the brig officer's phaser, he set it to stun and fired, before re-activating the forcefield, and returning the weapon to it's owner.

Moving back infront of Lekrit's cell, Vorn faced the Captain again. "I don't have time for games, Lekrit."

It was at this point that all arrogance finally left the civilian, as he seemed to gulp it down inside himself. "The Mosh'Tar was being used. They-they stationed several of their own people among my crew - to keep us in line! To make sure we did what we were told. We had no choice but to harvest whatever it was in that nebula."

"You aren't stupid, Lekrit. You know exactly what you were harvesting, and what it was to be used for." Vorn replied, barely giving the man time to finish his last sentence.

After a moment of resignation, Lekrit nodded. "I had one of my own officers set up a link to one of their consoles, and I accessed the sensor logs."

Vorn stayed silent, again letting the man stew - something he had admitedly learned from holonovels. He hadn't had much experience with questioning prisoners before, though he could tell when the man was lying. "Where were you taking the metreon?" He demanded.

"They... they have a station, concealed inside an asteroid in the Gormali system. It's heavily armed - you won't get near it before they destroy you!" He added his last sentence urgently, as if he had only just realised that Vorn intended to shut them down.

Vorn didn't respond, simply waiting a moment before he turned and left the brig, informing the brig officer to notify him when the communications officer woke up.

Captain Vorn Krace
Commanding Officer
USS Iapetus


Captain Lekrit (NPC)
Commanding Officer
SS Mosh'Tar
Played by Captain Vorn Krace


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