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Target from Within

Posted on Sun Jul 12th, 2009 @ 9:54am by Captain Vorn Krace & Commander Acle Walex & Lieutenant Commander Abigail Valera & Lieutenant Bradley Openhouse

Mission: Dark Discoveries
Location: Conference Lounge
Timeline: MD10 0900hrs

Vorn walked into the briefing lounge, pleased to find everyone already there. "OK, here's the plan," he started, moving to rest his hands on the back of the chair at the head of the table. He paused a moment, collecting his thoughts.

"The Mosh'Tar isn't a 'Guarded' ship, rather they have press-ganged the crew into undertaking jobs for them. We managed to capture one of the Guarded operatives stationed onboard to make sure Captain Lekrit did as he was told; one Bethany Illusia, the communications officer. Through her and Lekrit, we have learnt the protocol and procedures that the Mosh'Tar will be expected to follow when it reaches Gormali."

He looked around at the officers present for a moment. "Captain Lekrit will be taking the Mosh'Tar to continue it's journey to Gormali, but this time with us in with his crew. Commander Walex will take on Illusia's role as communications officer - Lekrit's told us that they won't suspect hearing a male voice on the comm channels, since he often uses a deputy or assistant when Illusia's off duty."

"A small number of crew will accompany him. Not too many, just enough for a skeleton crew. We can't replace all of Lekrit's crew - we have a number held onboard who we can confirm are not from the Guarded, but we need to make sure that we have control of the vessel. Lieutenant Reynolds, you'll head up security on the Mosh'Tar."

Max nodded his head. "Aye, sir."

"Max and Acle's jobs both make them clear choices for this mission, but none of the rest of you are used to going undercover and it will be dangerous, so I won't force any of you to go. But I am going to ask for volunteers."

Annalyn raised her hand.

Abigail opened her mouth and said, "I volunteer as well sir."

Vorn nodded at the volunteers. "The Iapetus will stay as close as we can, without alerting the Guarded to our presence. The away team's mission will be to board the station and covertly try to locate the lab where they are holding the metreon particles, and whatever they're building with it. Then you'll need to take out their defences - primarily shields, but weapons would be a big help. We'll warp in, pick you up, and take out that section of the station. Hopefully we can subdue them enough to use their communications array to call in a Starship to mop up and arrange for these people to go under trial. Questions?"

Bradley shook his head as he didn't have questions.

Acle had been silent throughout the briefing. He knew what his duties were and he would execute them to the fullest of his ability.

Nodding slightly to himself, pleased that his officers knew what they were doing and that there were no questions, Vorn looked around at them all. "You have your orders. Dismissed."

Captain Vorn Krace
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Commander Acle Walex
Chief Intelligence Officer
Acting Executive Officer

Lieutenant Maxwell Reynolds (NPC)
Acting Chief Tactical/Security Officer
Played by Vorn Krace

Lieutenant Abigail Valera
Chief Science Officer

Lieutenant Annalyn LaToon
Chief Medical Officer

Lieutenant JG Bradley Openhouse
Chief Counsellor

Master Chief Petty Officer Raging Eagle
Chief of the Boat
USS Iapetus


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