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Strange Orders

Posted on Tue Sep 1st, 2009 @ 1:50pm by Commander Peter Brown & Commander Jordan Gunning

Mission: Into a Devil's Heart
Location: Starbase Ronin
Timeline: MD03 1000hrs

Peter walked Briskly though the Station he needed to get the Access card to the Docking Masters control Station he needed an Starship and he got 12 Hours before the Shuttle Craft Warp Core will Overload covering his Escape he bumped into an Officer then his mind relized it was one of the new crew that were assigned to the Ship

"Errrr, Hello Lieutennent?" Asked Peter

Jordan had been completely lost in his own thoughts. He was thinking about Allina and the images he had seen before they went to the holodeck. Of course he knew they weren't real but they had made him uncomfortable for the rest of the evening. Wandering around, he was looking for something but had no idea what. He crashed into the man and was send reeling back two or three steps. He barely realised he'd been hit by anyone before he looked up and noticed a lieutenant commander standing before him. Oops, he thought.

"Hello, Commander. Sorry about that."

"that is okay, Lieutenant I am Lieutennent Commander Brown, First Officer of the Iapetus how many personal assigned to the ship are currenly on station" Asked Peter as he thought me might have an way around some personal

"At the moment, sir there are two senior staff members aboard the station awaiting transfer along with eighteen relief crew members for both the Operations and Security departments. Beside that, I'm not overly sure." Jordan replied. He was hesitant to answer his senior officer as the question seemed slightly abrupt. There was something more than a little, off, about the man but he could not quite put his finger on it.

Peter looked around then Motioned for Jordan to follow him to an Computer terminal once there Peter entered the Commands and got the Location of the U.S.S Lincoln then noticed it was under Level 3 Security Lock down thinking Peter knew he needed to Remove the Security to get on board and those steps needed to be done from Station Operations.

"Lieutenant, what are the current Security Protocols of the Station, I am currently on an Classified Mission with Star fleet Command I can't go into the details and with it there will be certain orders for you and the crew stationed here, is that Understood?" asked Peter as he closed the Terminal then looked around the Station he looked at the time he knew he had about 10 hours to get rid of the Security around the docking bay and get the Lincoln moved to Docking Bay 3, giving him the opening to steal the ship.

"Absolutely, sir. You can count on me." He stared at the officer who was standing in front of him, addressing him in a manner which was almost a cross between anger and desperation. "As soon as you need us, we'll be ready."

Peter turned to the Man knowing the Orders he will give him will be strange

"You are ordered, to restrict all our crew to Quarters, and if an Station Red Alert is called you are forbidden to follow orders of any personal unless authorized by me" Finished Peter saying Sarply

"Sir, if I may. Any direct order given to me should be followed to the letter. Is there any form of documentation I can provide to the other officers to prove that I am acting under orders? With all due respect, the last thing I need is a court martial."

"No, there is not, Just Follow My Orders" Said Peter.

Jordan was slightly taken aback by the abruptness of the Commander's tone. "Aye sir. I'd like to go on record with my apprehension regarding these orders though, sir."


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