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Posted on Thu Oct 15th, 2009 @ 8:39pm by Lieutenant JG Lucas Jameson

Mission: Into a Devil's Heart
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: MD04

Lucas strolled down the corridor. He'd had the displeasure of cutting his hand on a glass he'd broken in his hand when he was in the crew lounge having a drink, which meant he had to go to sickbay, much to his disdain. He didn't like men examining him.

He walked into the sickbay and found it a pleasant surprise that the doctor he spotted was a woman. Maybe he'd like it here after all, if the female to male ratio in the senior staff kept up, but he wouldn't hold his breath.

"Uh, hey, I'm Lucas, the new chief engineer, but you can call me Luc. I prefer that people do actually." He said, smiling politely, trying to avoid making the same mistake he had with the captain "I kind of cut my hand on a glass in the lounge. Do you mind helping me out with it?"

Annalyn looked up, "If you will have a seat on biobed 1, we will get that fixed." She turned and sent a Nurse for what she would need to make sure it was cleaned out.

"Ouch, that hurts." Lucas said to the nurse, waiting for the doctor to get back, saying to the doctor when she did "So, how long you been here for?"

"How can it hurt before anyone touches it? I have been on board for about a year now. What was in the glass before it broke?"

"Klingon blood wine." Lucas said "Really nice, if you haven't tried it, I recommend it."

Annalyn shuddered. "No thank you. Hold your hand over the basin the nurse is holding, so I can pour some salt solution over it. That might sting a bit but we need to be sure the site is clean before I heal it up.'

"Ouch, you were right, it does sting." He said, as she poured it in "Anything in there still, or is it all good."

Running the tricorder over the wound, "It is clean, now to close it and get it healed."

"Cool." Lucas replied, before quipping "And I'm not going to find bits of glass protruding from my head after this, am I?"

"You do what on this ship?" she ask as she put the tricorder down.

"I'm the new Chief Engineer." Lucas said, trying to put his mind back towards work "I get the feeling I'm going to need to do a fair bit. I'll bet my office needs to be completely redecorated."

She had the Nurse hold the inside of the wound closed as she healed it with the Anabolic Protoplaser, "Get me a generator, big enough for one surgery suite, my recovery room and this room, nothing else matters."

"Surgery?" Lucas said, a slight hint of worry in his voice "Is my face going to be OK?"

Backing up, setting down the AP, she put her hands on her hips, "right now your face and head are in grave danger. If I don't have a generator aboard, big enough to handle those three rooms, we will have a work out. When I work out I use a big stick with metal ends. I am very serious about a generator. When the ship is in battle, we get emergency lights only, and then if I am in surgery, the patient dies."

"Dang, that sucks." Lucas said "Well then, if you don't have one, guess I'll have to get my team onto building you one."

"Thank you," she picked up the tricorder again.

Scanning the cut, she put the tricorder down and picked up the AP again. The worked the cut closed and healed it as they went, soon the cut was closed. "You will need to be careful with this for 24 hours. It take about that long for the body to realize it does not have an opening it should not have. It may be tender for that long, now while I have you in here, we can go ahead and do your boarding physical. If you will lay back, Nurse will get some blood and we can get started."

"Aw man, I hate giving blood." Lucas said, before realizing what it sounded like he had said "Not that I'm calling you a man. Quite the opposite, actually. In fact, could we just take the physical to my quarters, I find the bed there much more comfortable than sickbay beds."

"That's just a bit too bad. Nurse will take a small bit of blood, and you can lay here or I can let you cling to the ceiling. Either way, we will get your physical done before you leave sickbay. Now which will it be?" Annalyn was not putting up with flirting from patients, not anymore, once was enough and look what it got her.

"Wow, has anyone ever told you you're a real hard-ass?" Lucas said with a smirk "And I think I'll have the bed. I'd hate to fall down and hurt anyone."

"Now lay back so we can get stated."

"OK." He said, lying down and looking at her with a smirk "By the way, loving the view doc."

Annalyn figured that there was only one thing to do, and turning to her Nurse, "Get the physical supplies." As the Nurse left, she turned back to Jameson. "I would suggest you concentrate on the new Generator you are going to build instead of being a smart ass." She concentrated and he slowly lifted off the bed heading to the ceiling.

"Hey, I compliment you and you try to put me on the ceiling? How is that fair?" Lucas asked "And hey, as you can see, I have a very nice ass."

"Look, I am not looking at behinds, unless it is to repair something, you need to pay attention to business. I don't appreciate flirting, and I can put you outside looking in as easily as I can put you on the ceiling. However I doubt if you would enjoy looking in for any length of time. I can also declare you unfit for duty and we leave you behind, and yes I know, I won't get my generator." She lowered him down a bit and dropped him on to the biobed. Now can we get this physical done or should I call security and tell them to escort you to sickbay on the station?"

"Fine. But doc, seriously, lighten up." Lucas said as he hit the bed "So, you got any family onboard?"

Picking up the Padd as the Nurse set up to take blood. "No, My twin is on Mikhail, my older sisters are in the USS Independence, and one of my brothers is bouncing around Federation space. The others are here and there in Mikhailian space. My Mom just had twins again, that is numbers 11 and 12." She made some notes on the Padd, has anything happened since your last physical I should be aware of?"

"Aside from myself and my fiancee splitting up?" He said coolly "Absolutely nothing."

"Is that why you are coming on to people who would rather you didn't? I do know the feeling though, why I am in Starfleet in the first place. Only I dumped the bum. No injuries other than the hand?"

"I suppose you could say that. Don't get me wrong, we ended it well, it's just wierd now." He said "And aside from the odd shock here and there, nope. Nothing that isn't to be expected with an Engineer."

Setting down the Padd she picked up the tricorder as the Nurse left with the blood sample. Starting at his head, "Was she in the Fleet too?"

"Yeah, she's the new assistant chief engineer." He said "And before you say anything, I said that I had no problems with it before the engagement was called off."

Scanning from the head down the neck, "Have you figured out why you have a problem with it now?"

"Yeah. Now she can go on about our sex life and I can't stop her." He joked "No, I have no idea. I'm sure I'll figure it out sooner or later though."

Moving down the chest, 'I am sure you will, and if you change you attitude a bit you might find the gals on the ship, more interested. What do you think of the ship, or have you gotten to see any of it yet?

"It's the spitting image of the last ship I served on. The difference is, I'm on the other side of the chief engineer's desk now." Lucas replied "Still, at least that means I won't get lost. The down side is I've lost my excuse for being late for my shift."

Annalyn smiled. "But the upside is if you are late, you don't have anyone who will be complaining. Reason I am on beta instead of alpha, is I can do Chief stuff before i come to the sickbay and do Dr stuff." She started down the abdomen.

"Ahh, I see where you're coming from." He said, before grinning "And doc, you're not going to start grabbing for certain, uh, meats now are you? Because if you are, wow, you like to contradict yourself."

"No, I have no need," she finished up the scan. "I see nothing that will keep you from your duties, and I will contact you if your blood test show any abnormalities, but I don't expect any." She made some notes on the padd, "You may go," and turned and left the room.

"Nice to meet you too doc." Luc laughed as he got up and walked out.


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