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No harm in a drink sir

Posted on Tue Dec 15th, 2009 @ 8:03pm by Lieutenant JG James Riller & Captain Vorn Krace

Mission: Into a Devil's Heart
Location: Starbase Ronin
Timeline: MD10 1219hrs


After finishing his assignment on the USS Sentinel and after rescuing Captain O'Shea, James spent a year back at home to help his younger siblings out, then came to Starbase Ronin to help out where he could in hope that a ship would come by with a position open to his liking.

Luckily, his method worked and found the USS Iapetus, commanded by Captain Vorn Krace, with the position of Chief Flight Control Officer. The Iapetus had arrived on Starbase as James sat in the bar with a cup of punch juice.

Vorn had come out of Peter's court martial and decided to head straight to the bar to relieve some of the stress that the procedure and the events leading up to it had left on him. He usually made a point to have his drinks in private, or in the company of close friends, but today he decided that it didn't matter so much, and he'd just drink in the bar with the other officers, rare as it was for a Captain to frequent the place - there seemed to almost be an unspoken rule in the command structure, that the higher you go, the less socialising you did. Vorn agreed with it in the practical sense; it made it easier to command those under you command. But there were times that he missed the socialising he used to have in his younger days.

"Large whiskey," he said as he approached the bar, leaning his weight on it with his elbows as he undid the top clasp of his red uniform tunic around his neck, giving him some room to breathe.

As he took another gulp, he saw a tall man with a command red uniform at the bar. He stood up and approached the man and saw four gold pips attached to his collar, "Greetings Captain".

Vorn looked over at the man approaching, and nodded a greeting, "Lieutenant."

When he looked at him, James remembered the face when he was looking at the Iapetus, as he took another sip, he said, "Hows the Iapetus?"

Vorn took a moment to look at the man next to him, mentally putting him into a new category of people. After a little while, he said, "You're quite on the ball to know what ship I'm from. Not a spook, are you?" He wasn't in the mood for word games tonight, and so just went in bluntly.

James smiled, "I have a tendency to familiarise myself with a ship I have signed myself up for and the commanding officer".

"What department?" Vorn asked, wondering why Command hadn't told him he had a new crew member yet.

James raised his eyebrow, then answered tentatively, "Flight control..sir. I applied to join the crew of the Iapetus".

Vorn nodded, noticing how the Lieutenant was surprised at him not knowing. Vorn didn't feel the need to explain himself though; the officer would learn as his career progressed that assignments were often made independently of - or sometimes even in spite of - a commanding officer. "Glad to see they've finally given us a pilot," he said instead.

James smiled feeling a little more relaxed as he took a sip of his drink, then added, "Well now we are acquainted and know who we are, when would you like me aboard?"

"We're here for another 2 days," Vorn replied, finishing his drink and standing straighter. "You have until then to report aboard and get yourself familiarised with your duties."

"Thank you sir", James replied as he also finished his drink.

"See to it," Vorn replied, as he took his leave of the bar.

Captain Vorn Krace
Commanding Officer
USS Iapetus


Lieutenant JG James Riller
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Iapetus


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