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Baby Sitter Captain

Posted on Tue Feb 2nd, 2010 @ 8:53pm by Commander Peter Brown

Mission: Borderline Diplomacy
Location: Bevrud-Guest Quarters Wing
Timeline: MD07-16:35 Hours

Peter entered the separate room he was given. He looked behind him as the door slid shut, then looked around the room. It was plain, with a few chairs and a table with a bed in the corner - a basic room. Peter walked to the window, then looked down at the the city.

"Well, looks like we are secured in here," he said, as he removed his boot and moved the heel aside under it, allowing a small hypospray to fall out, which Peter injected into his skin. Then he placed it back into his boot while he removed the other boot and made a note on a piece of paper. With this done, Peter removed his tunic and his communicator, placed it on his shirt and sat back and relaxed.

"This away mission is nothing more than baby sitting me. There is no grounds for me here," Peter said, as he closed his eyes. The medication that he took was starting to take effect. The good thing about having favours is that much of his Medical files were sealed for the time Peter was away from the Iapetus - namely physiological assessments. Peter knew that if it was known Krace would use the excuse to remove him from duty. He then sat back and waited until the next part of the away mission would start.

Commander Peter Brown
Chief Strategic Operations Officer
USS Iapetus


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