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Physicals Must be Avoided at All Costs

Posted on Mon Feb 1st, 2010 @ 12:33am by Captain Vorn Krace & Lieutenant JG Winter Balmorra

Mission: Borderline Diplomacy
Location: Deck 16 - Main Tractor Assembly
Timeline: MD03 1309hrs

"Hand me that interphasic coil spanner, would you?" William (NPC) asked, as he held out his hand for the requested device.

Silently, Engineer Myles (NPC) picked up the requested tool and handed it to the Lieutenant. "How much longer do you think this will take?" he asked. The assistant chief of operations had asked an engineer to come along while he worked out some kinks he'd detected in the tractor assembly purely so that Lieutenant Jameson wouldn't have any excuse to accuse him of taking his department's duties, and Myles knew it. He was just along for insurance.

"Shouldn't be long now, I-" William stopped mid-sentence as he noticed something amiss. Quickly grabbing his tricorder, he took a reading of the assembly, before turning away even quicker and grabbing the engineer's collar, throwing him into the open jeffries tube behind them. "Get in, it's unstable!" he yelled, crawling in after him and shutting the hatch, just as several lances of energy burst from the panel he had just been working on, one bolt of which managed to get through the open hatch and scorch William's leg before it closed. "Bastard!" he called out, as the pain shot up his nerves.

"You OK, sir?" Myles asked, suddenly concerned for his colleague.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I left my tricorder in there though. Run a scan of the room, see what damage has been done."

Myles nodded, and retrieved the multi-purpose tool from his belt, directing it past the Lieutenant towards the hatch. "We have a few small hull ruptures, but they're being sealed by forcefields. Several of the EPS conduits have blown."

William tapped the controls next to the hatch to release the lock, and coughed at the smell of burnt circuits as the acrid air raced to equalise itself with that in the tube. Climbing out gingerly on his injured leg, William headed for the tractor beam assembly and tried some controls - they were all dead. "Great, offline."

"Sir," Myles said, as he looked cautiously at the Lieutenant's leg. "I think we'd better get that leg seen to first." He tapped his combadge. =^=Medical team to tractor beam assembly.=^=


Winter heard the message and turned to one of her new officers, a Tlisa Chun, a young Vulcan Human hybrid. "Tlisa you can do that cant you?" Winter asked with a smile.

The young ensign jumped to. "Yes sir!" She said exuberantly and ran out the door with a MED kit.

---Tractor Beam Assembly---

"My leg'll be fine," William said, trying to wave off the Engineer. "But if we don't get this tractor beam operational again before we reach the border, the Captain's not going to be happy."

"I'll ask Lieutenant Jameson to send someone down here Sir," Myles replied. "But the Lieutenant's not going to be happy with me if I ignore your injury in favour of doing work he... well would have preferred you left to his teams in the first place. Er, Sir."

"Oh fine, fine," William said, waving the Engineer's argument away absently. "Where is that doctor anyway?"

"I'm here." Tlisa said, rounding the corner.

She pulled out a tricorder as she sat down next to William and started to scan his leg. "Torn ligiment and a minor bone fracture." Tlisa explained.

"Great," William groaned as he was given his diagnosis. "Don't tell me I've got to go all the way to sickbay now?" He was acutely aware that his next physical was at least two weeks overdue, and he'd been trying to avoid that particular section of the ship so that he wouldn't have to deal with it.

"Doctor Balmorra wont bite lieutenant, she's quite nice." Tlisa said.

William sighed, resigned to the fact that he was going to have to go to see the new CMO. It wasn't that he didn't think he'd like her, or that he didn't like sickbay... it was more like an in-bred reaction in him to stay away from doctors until he really needed them. "Fine," he said aloud.

"Good." Tlisa smiled, as she and Myles helped the operations officer along his way.

Lieutenant JG William Biggins (NPC)
Asst. Chief Operations Officer
Played by Capt Krace

Ensign Myles (NPC)
Engineering Officer
Played by Capt Krace


Ensign Tlisa Chun (NPC)
Medical Officer
USS Iapetus
Played by LtJG Balmorra


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