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Initial Assignments

Posted on Sun Jun 27th, 2010 @ 11:29pm by Captain Vorn Krace & Ensign Erich Ciliax

Mission: Shadows Fall
Location: Starfleet Academy (Earth)
Timeline: MM2, MD2 1300hrs

As Vorn walked through the green gardens of Starfleet Academy, on a sunny day in San Francisco, his mind took him back to his own time at the institution. Barely old enough to be considered a man, he had become one of the resident 'chiefs of mischief' along with his friends. He remembered one - and his final - true prank he and his friends had pulled during his third year. They had managed to attach a small locating beacon to the bottom of Admiral Howards' trousers, before sneaking into one of the transporter rooms and calibrating the system for a very precise transport; they had beamed just the Admiral's trousers into a waste storage locker as he walked into a class of fourth-year cadets. Students throughout the Academy had applauded the prank (with the exception of the more stoic students, such as the Vulcans), but it had resulted in Vorn and his friends being assigned an array of menial duties as their punishment. It was during that time that Vorn had met Boothby, who had turned him into the studious individual who saw graduation a little under two years later.

The corner of Vorn's mouth quirked up in an involuntary smirk for just a moment as he caught sight of the Admiral - a little greyer, with more wrinkles and an extra pip in the boxes on his corner - and he recalled the memory of the shade of crimson the man's face had been during Vorn's dressing-down; a phrase to which Vorn was not ignorant of the irony, given the circumstances at the time. Today though, Vorn nodded respectfully as he passed, his hands clasped behind his back, and greeted him with a simple "Admiral."

"Captain," the older man grunted. Clearly he wasn't one to let old grudges slide, despite Vorn's record since the event. Vorn couldn't even remember exactly how many years ago it had been now.

Taking his mind off it, he picked his pace up, more closely matching the typical no-nonsense stride he used while on duty aboard the Iapetus, and headed towards one of the administrative offices in the main Academy building.

"Captain," he smiled as he greeted the man within ten minutes later - the lift had been rather crowded with students and instructors alike, who had each it seemed elected to travel to a different floor. "I believe you have someone waiting for me?"

"Yes Captain." Captain Gatesh was a Bolian; one of the minority of Captains assigned to administrative duties rather than a starship command. This particular officer did not seem to mind the slower pace of life the job granted him, unlike many other such administrative officers. "Please, take a seat. The Ensign should be with us shortly; I sent him a summons when the staff alerted me to your arrival at the Academy."

Nodding his thanks, Vorn moved to take the offered seat, opposite the Bolian with the ornate oak desk in between.

The doors swooshed open again and a young command division cadet stepped through and snapped to attention. "Ensign Erich Ciliax, reporting as ordered sir," the young man said, the extra emphasis he placed on the word "ensign" a sign of the pride he felt at his newly earned commissioned status.

"Ensign Ciliax," Gatesh said warmly, still standing on his side of the desk. "Allow me to introduce Captain Vorn Krace, your new commanding officer."

Vorn turned his chair around on its rotating base until he could see the Ensign comfortably, and studied him. The first though that came to his mind was I was never that young. It would have been clear without reading the boy's record just by looking at him that he had joined the Academy straight after school, but Vorn dismissed the thoughts of the man's young age and instead focused on the things in him that mattered to his assignment.

He noticed the rigid 'at attention' posture that was drilled into all Cadets they day they arrived in San Francisco, though he noted that he himself had not yet come across a non-Vulcan captain who insisted on the posture being used aboard their ship. The freshly minted officer's uniform was impeccable, and nothing in his appearance suggested anything other than organization - though Vorn knew that no Captain was likely to find such imperfections in a new graduate's appearance upon their first day reporting in.

"So Ensign," Vorn eventually said, turning his attention to the details that couldn't be determined from simply looking at an officer. "I'm told you graduated amongst the top students in your class. Not a mean feat, which means you must be good, at least in your flight theory. Do you think you're ready to pilot a starship, though?"

The young ensign's posture and mannerisms changed subtly as he met Krace's gaze. The ramrod straight, overly professional demeanor vanished to be replaced with a more nonchalant posture that projected only one thing: an unflagging self confidence.

"I was born ready," Erich said while cracking a smile that stayed just this side of a smirk. "I've spent every free hour since I received orders to report to the Iapetus in the simulators. Using data gathered during her last systems overhaul in the simulators probably leaves me more familiar with her helm then you are."

Erich caught the look of alarm that passed over the Bolian captain's face signaled by his widening eyes at the Ensign's last comment and returned his attention to Captain Krace. "That isn't to imply that you're unfamiliar, uh... sir."

Vorn glanced over his shoulder at Gatesh. "Well he certainly doesn't lack confidence," he commented to the other Captain, brushing off the tongue tying the Ensign had gotten himself into at the end of his statement. "I wouldn't count on that level of familiarity if I were you Ensign," Vorn continued, addressing the new graduate once again. "As we speak the Iapetus is beginning the first steps in a series of refits as requested by the 4th Fleet Corps of Engineers. Primary amongst the systems being replaced is the warp core, due in by the end of the week. The feel of the ship's engines could change dramatically as a result."

"Indeed," Erich said slipping back into his more at ease manner, "I've actually had the refit updates forwarded to my PADD, sir."

The young officer pulled his PADD from its place on his belt and held it out for his new commanding officer. The data stream it displayed currently showed exactly how far along the work aboard the Iapetus had gone, and that the yard personnel were only working one hour behind their timeline estimates.

As he took and reviewed the PADD the officer had handed him, Vorn was impressed by the Ensign's ability to get hold of such information so quickly, but secretly wondered how long the refit schedule had been on desks at Starfleet Command before it had been forwarded to him as the Iapetus entered orbit.

"Well, let's hope that you show the same level of initiative during your assignment as part of our crew," Vorn said, standing at last and holding out his hand for the Ensign to shake. "Congratulations, and welcome aboard."

"Thank you, sir," Erich said as he took his commander's hand and shook it. "Now, I do have a few things to take care of before I deploy..."

"Of course, you are dismissed, Ensign," Captain Gatesh ordered with an amused tone to his voice.

The young man spun on his heel and departed the office at a quick but not hurried pace. "So, impressions?" the Bolian asked returning his attention to Krace.

"Obviously young," Vorn replied, turning his chair back towards the Captain's desk. "Brash. Overconfident. I'd say he has potential... with a little tempering," he smiled, remembering just how many other new graduates - especially pilots such as he had been himself - could have the exact same remarks said about them. It seemed a large ego was a requirement for graduating with decent grades under a flight control speciality.

"Aren't they all," Gatesh responded with a chuckle, obviously pleased that the other Captain hadn't been offended by the cade-- he corrected himself; Ensign's overconfident attitude. Making a move to come around to Vorn's side of the desk, he held out his hand in the typical human farewell gesture called a handshake, something he had picked up on having worked with humans for so long. "Well, if there isn't anything else, Captain Krace, I still have some other commanders to speak to regarding their new crew members."

"Of course," Vorn replied, standing and taking the proffered hand. "Thank you for taking the time to allow me to meet my new helmsman in person."

"It was my pleasure," Gatesh responded. "Good journeys to you, Captain."

Captain Vorn Krace
Commanding Officer
USS Iapetus


Ensign Erich Ciliax
Chief Helmsman
USS Iapetus


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