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Search and Seize

Posted on Sun Sep 11th, 2011 @ 4:15pm by Captain Vorn Krace & Commander Jordan Gunning

Mission: The Fate of the Swiftsure
Location: USS Iapetus - Transporter Room | Pirate Vessel
Timeline: MD08 1328hrs

As Vorn approached the transporter room, checking his phaser and sliding it into the holster that was newly-attached at his hip, he quenched down any physical signs of apprehension or excitement that he had. Though his position as captain had precluded him from commanding an away mission such as this for quite some time, that selfsame position made it untoward for him to outwardly be anything other than a pure professional. Afterall, he had done this kind of thing a thousand times before as a first officer and as a security officer before that.

Cathcart's team were already gathered in the transporter room when the Captain arrived, each of them ready for the duty they were about to partake in. Nodding his satisfaction, Krace moved up to the transporter console, and keyed the command that would perform a pre-set series of connections; namely activating the transceiver array and opening a channel to the pirate ship.

"Unidentified vessel. You are about to be boarded by Starfleet personnel and searched. Do not attempt to resist, or you will find that we are just as effective with personnel weapons as with our ship-board phasers."

His message sent, he moved to take his place on the transporter pad. "Set your weapons to stun," he told the security team. "And keep your eyes open for anything worthy of note."

The Petty Officer at the rear of the transporter pad adjusted his compression phaser rifle. Lieutenant Commander Gunning had always taught them to look more heavily armed than they actually were. Cathcart had hoped that the sight of a phaser rifle might scare some any potential issues out of a fight.

She looked down at her own, smaller, Type-II phaser. "We're ready to go, Sir."

"Energise," the Captain said, as the operator began the process that would coalesce the blue beam of light to send them across space.


As soon as the away team re-materialised, all four members instinctively moved their phaser towards one of the people around them, halting any further movement. They had transported into the centre of the vessel's bridge, and clearly startled the personnel there.

"We had heard this Starfleet had advanced technologies," the one that stood nearest the chair at the centre of the bridge said; presumably the captain. "But we had no idea you could materialise soldiers out of thin air." His accent through the universal translator sounded sketchy, and somewhat arabic.

"Yes, well you'd be surprised at what we can do," Krace responded, holstering his phaser, and drawing his tricorder. "Your forward cargo hold is empty. Order your crew to head there, immediately." He nodded towards the security detail, implying that he wanted two of them to escort the bridge officers there.

The security men took their cue and disarmed the crew. Their weapons were stored in a cargo case before they were lead off the bridge. Cathcart sealed the case and kicked it under the helm station. "Crichton, check the rear compartment. We should be clear, Captain."

"Good," the captain responded, knowing that Crichton would do a thorough search, to ensure none of the crew were hiding out anywhere amongst the ship, just as he was trained to do. "Let's start the search. You start in the other cargo bays, and I'll see if I can access any of their logs from up here. At the first sign of anything illegal or dubious, let me know."

A few moments later, Cathcart tapped her commbadge. "Sir, I think you should see this."

They stood before a virtual Aladdin's Cave of contraband. There were crates stacked high, all labelled with various ridiculous sounding foodstuffs but actually containing a mixture of alcohol (including Panissian 'Hooch'), stimulants and chems as well as quite a few crates containing anti-armour plasma mines. It wasn't quite jewels and gold, but it would make the Captain happy.

As Krace joined the security officers in the cargo hold, he joined them in a brief inventory of the 'stock'. Stashed towards the back of the cargo hold, well hidden when compared with the rest of the 'loot', was the box with everything Krace needed to be able to hold these pirates.

"Lieutenant!" he called. As she approached, he stabbed at the crate with his thumb. "What do you make of these?"

"That looks like Starfleet equipment," the Lieutenant said exasperatedly, "where the hell did they get that?"

"What I make it out to be is everything I need to extend our jurisdiction to these pirates and lock them in the brig." He nodded in a way that all officers knew emphasised the authority of the order they were about to be given. "See to it."

"Affirmative," Allison said, turning towards her officers, "you heard the Captain."

Captain Vorn Krace
Commanding Officer


Lieutenant JG Allison Cathcart [Gunning]
Asst. Chief of Security
USS Iapetus


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