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Medical teams to the rescue

Posted on Mon Jan 26th, 2009 @ 8:57am by Lieutenant Bradley Openhouse & Commander Peter Brown

Mission: Dark Discoveries
Location: Engineering (perhapse also sickbay?)
Timeline: the 45 min between Games and Tests and part 2


==^==Brown to Solar what’s going on down there==^== Said Peter voice over the comm. in engineering.

Lamento was still looking around shocked of what just happened and trying to find out what happened, till he saw a big gap in the ships structure where normally one of the warpcore’s cooling pod’s was standing.

==^== this is Solar to bridge ==^==
We had a terrible accident down here, I don’t know why it happened yet but one of the warp core’s plasma cooling systems just blew up liquefying 3 engineers working next to it.

I’ve erected quarantine fields around engineering, but we need medical assistance down here.
Uch uch uch (Lamento coughing) Make sure they have breathing gear with them, we still have some poisons gasses floating around here, I’m working on getting the air filtering system back up here.

==^== Solar out ==^==

Alright everyone, make sure the backup generator’s are working fine, secure the warpcore: Lamento yelled at his engineers.


Bradley was about to get sickbay ready for what ever was coming his way when he heard orders for medical personnel to Engineering with breathing masks.

"Ok Linnix and Patterson with me." said Bradley gathering up equipment to head down to engineering.

"Aye sir!" the young paramedic said, gathering his own gear. He was feeling a rush of adrenaline sending electric chills down his spine. His breathing was clear and he could feel his pulse pounding in his temples as he prepared for the worst.

Bradley and the medical team exited the lift on the Engineering deck and could begin to smell the smoke, as they got closer to Main Engineering Bradley stopped the team. "Ok put your breathing gear on now before we proceed."

Lamento sat down on his chair trying to look at his controls, it was hard to read but doable.
The smoke in engineering had made it almost impossible to see anything.

“Everyone!” Lamento yelled “Head to the exit of engineering now and if you come across anyone not moving try to bring them along, engineers from the other shifts are underway here and will take it over so head out!”

Lamento stood up prepare to leave engineering when suddenly a hard sound startled him followed with a gush of wind.
“O dear,” Lamento mumbled to himself “I think the warp core just got ejected”

==^==Brown to Engineering this is an Order Evacuate==^==

“Yes yes, where already doing just that” Lamento hastily mumbled making a wrong more that made him stumble to the ground.
“Damn that hurt, guess I better crawl to the exit”

Linnix stayed near the ground as he attempted to follow the others to the exit. Despite his breathing apparatus, he could only see the smoke around him flashing red from the klaxon lights. Even at floor level, visibility was virtually non existent, so he carefully felt his way across the floor. Palms outstretched he felt something fluidic and warm, deviating from the dry cool of the metal deck plating. It took him a moment to recognize it as blood, but when he did, he instinctively followed the pool to a nondescript humanoid body.

"I have a casualty over here!" the trill medic yelled, "I'm checking for vital signs!"

Norvin squinted to see the view screen of his tricorder through the smoke. A wave of urgency washed over him as he realized that his human patient was going into cardiac arrest from traumatic injuries.

"Her breathing is erratic and she's going into cardiac arrest, doc!" Linnix said, fumbling for a hypospray and cardio-stimulator. "I need to attempt electrical defribulation, and chemical intervention! What are your orders?"

Bradley went over to Norvin to help. "Begin cardio-stimulation. We need to get her back to sickbay STAT." Bradley took over the scanning while Norvin did his job.

Linnix began administering treatment, but the patient was crashing fast. His optimism for her survival was diminishing by the second.

"I don't think she's going to make it, Doc." Linnix said in a shaken voice, "I think we should black tag her and move on."

Just as Linnix said that there was a steady flat tone. Bradley looked down at his tricorder. The young crew member was gone. "Have her tagged and beamed to the morgue. Let Dr. LaToon know I will perform the autopsy once things settle down."

Bradley reached down with his left hand and closed the young woman's eyes. "Come on lets get the everyone to sickbay." he said to Linnix.

"Come on," the paramedic said after a brief silence, "An emergency exit should be just to our left, probably about ten meters."

Lamento was still crawling to the exit when he hear voices, he decided to crawl tot hem hoping it where some of the medic’s.
Gasping for air Lamento could make up two silhouettes that where doing something but “what” he couldn’t make out. When he was almost there the silhouettes looked like they where preparing to leave, so Lamento tried to yell “help me” but no sound came out of his mouth, instead he gave one final push and stretched his left arm as far as he could to grab one of their legs and hold on to it as tightly as he could.

Linnix nearly jumped out of his skin when he felt something clenching its fingers around his ankle. He spun around defensively, images of radiation riddled zombies danced through his mind as he gasped and looked for the ghoul. He had every intention of kicking it in its skull until blood sprayed halfway across the room. That is, until he realized that the radioactive zombie was actually Lt. Solar. The terran seemed to be in rather bad repair and Linnix instinctively pulled out his tricorder.

"It's the chief engineer," Norvin said to Dr. Openhouse, "he's going into a hypopurfusive state."

"Ok I WANT everyone out of here KNOW!!!!" Yelled Bradley through choking coughs.

Bradley pressed a hypo to Solars neck to help him breath.

Meanwhile back at sickbay, Annalynn is getting Surgery ready, getting scrubbed so when the first bad injury comes in, she is ready for surgery.

After leaving Main Engineering Bradley, Linnix, Solar and the Whole Engineering team entered sickbay. "Need some help over here!" yelled Bradley.

Bradley placed Solar on one of the bio-beds while the rest of the medical staff tended to the rest.

Linnix barely had time to catch his breath as care of Solar was transferred to the sickbay staff. After he filled in the attending doctor on the lieutenant's condition he backed away from the biobed. The doctors and nurses had taken over and the paramedic was no longer needed. He pulled his respiration mask off and was happy to breather regular air again. The lights were suddenly blinding and he felt as if his skin was coated in a layer oil and dirt. He turned and spotted Bradley out of his peripheral vision.

"Dr. Openhouse!" the trill said, running up to him, "Is there any way of getting anyone else out of engineering? Any word from the bridge on transporter status?"

"I can find out. Give me a moment." said Bradley as he handed over the scanner to a nurse.

The Minute that Taylor Cross came into sickbay, he was whisk into surgery into Annalyn's care. Suffering from a mild case of the poisoned air, his more critical injuries took first place. Metal and Glass fragments, all over his body, one Near but not into the Genitourinary Tract, and too near the Femoral Artery for comfort. As she was already prepped, she put on gloves and her anthologist got relaxed and unconscious. As soon as he was intubated, Annalyn started working on the worse metal fragment.

"Sickbay to Bridge any word on Transporter status. Their still might be more people in Engineering."


Peter heard the Call he turned to the Operations Officer and gave him a look as he waited for an answer once the Operations Officer shook his head Peter walked over and saw the readings he knew what it ment the entire Transporter System was off-line with the Ship on Emergency Power and Battery Power there was no way to get Transporters on-line Peter Pressed the Intercom.

==^==Sickbay, Brown here Transporters are Off-line we don't have the Power, your stuck to using Foot Power==^==

"Acknowledged bridge." said Bradley.

Norvin looked up at Bradley, a grim and exhausted expression on his face.

"Sir," the medic said in response to the news, "Should I organize another rescue party?"

"Take only the ones that are able to assist. If you can't find anyone or they are to far gone tag them and get out of there. Understood?!" said Bradley

"I know the drill, sir." the medic said with an understanding nod.

Annalyn worked hard for over an hour, but eventually all the scrap metal and glass were removed, blood had been replaced and the patient was moved to recovery. Annalyn stripped off the surgical gown and went out into the sickbay proper to see what else needed done.



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