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Posted on Sun Feb 8th, 2009 @ 8:38pm by Lieutenant Commander Abigail Valera & Captain Vorn Krace

Mission: Dark Discoveries
Location: Lt. Valera's quarters
Timeline: MD3 (Saturday); 1800hrs

Abigail was still in her uniform. Soon it would be time for her date with Vorn and she wanted it to look nice for when he got there. The young woman quickly took a shower and put on a fresh pair of clothes. Abigail loved her outfit. It was a white blouse with a black skirt and high heels. She hoped that Vorn had the sense on wearing something casual and not a tuxedo. Abigail didn't want her Captain to get into trouble for fratinizing with a lower ranking officer.

As Abigail settled in to wait for Vorn's arrival, one corner of her quarters lit up briefly with a blue glow as the ship's Captain materialised holding a small box of chocolates.

Vorn had opted to wear a dark blue shirt with a pair of cream suit trousers and brown leather shoes. The outfit had originally come with a blazer to match the trousers, but Vorn had opted to leave that in his quarters, and settle for the even more casual look he now wore. As he materialised, a confident smirk was already planted on his face.

Stepping out of the corner he materialised in - thankful that he hadn't ruined his entrance by choosing a particularly bad or embarrasing moment, he gave Abigail the box of chocolates he had brought. "I know we never technically finished our first date, so I thought I'd bring you something to make up for it."

Abigail smiled as she took the chocolates, not at all surprised by Vorn's choice of entrance. "Thank you Vorn. How was your day?"

"I've been having some headaches for the past couple of days, which medical can't seem to find a reason why," Vorn admitted. "But other than that, I've had a good one. You?" he asked, as they moved over towards the dining area.

"Good. I just had alot of reports to look over, but I decided to look at them here in my quarters where there was peace and quiet. I asked the others in my department to call me if they needed help and they haven't." Abigail stood on her tiptoes and kissed Vorn gently on this lips, "This week has been long and I missed you." Abigail knew that she had seen Vorn recently, but she had been talking about their love relationship. She missed Vorn's gentle touch and his soft lips upon hers.

Vorn leant down and kissed Abi properly. "I know," he said after they broke apart. "But I don't know how the crew will react to us being together yet." he explained. "There isn't any rule against it, but they might not like the fact that I'm dating someone on my crew."

"Well once things get going and things work out then the others won't say anything about it." Abigail blushed and laid her dinner table. "What would you like?"

"You're the host - what's cooking?" he asked, smiling. It was an old phrase, no mostly moot since most meals came from a replicator these days, but it's meaning still stood as Vorn sat down at the table.

Abigail blushed, "Nothing fancy. Just some steak, green bean cassorole, mashed potatoes... wine... your not on duty are you? What's a date without a little wine." Abigail's blush deepened as she waited for Vorn's response. The young woman's heart was beating fast and butterflies were in her stomach. Soon Abigail would ask Vorn to stay the night and hopefully he would say yes.

"I'm the Captain... do you really think it matters if I'm on duty or not?" Vorn grinned. "The meal sounds lovely - I can hardly wait." he said with sincerity - he hadn't actually eaten since before noon, and was starving.

Abigail went to the replicator and brought the food out and set her table. She gulped and asked, "Vorn can you stay here tonight?"

Vorn smiled at her over the table. "You sure?" he asked - not wanting her to feel pressured into anything. As she nodded, he said; "Sure I can."

Abigail smiled, glad that Vorn was to stay the night.


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