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Treating the natives

Posted on Wed Nov 7th, 2012 @ 2:40pm by Lieutenant JG Victoria Drani

Mission: Heart of an Explorer
Location: Meltorran Planet
Timeline: Current

The warm sun was a welcome relief from being free of her containment suit. She dappled sweat off of her with a towel as she exited the large tent structure she used as a medical lab. She looked at the next to useless shuttle that served as her home for the past three months., having depleted all of it's deuterium, it was now grounded. It had seemed longer than that when she had decided to leave Starfleet. The Meltorrans had welcomed her with open arms, especially learning that she was a doctor. However, she had preferred to remain outside of the city and spent most of her time helping the local rural residents--that was until the blasted virus hit. She still wasn't sure what caused it. Now she had to keep a phaser on her as a safety precaution. Her gaze moved up as stars were beginning to shine in the twilight sky.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" came a man's voice.

"Yes it is, Tro'val," Vicoria Drani responded, having sensed the older man approach from behind. Tro'val had come to be a trusted friend and her assistant, teaching her much about the Meltorran Culture, anotomy, and customs.

"Do you miss traveling among the stars?"

Drani let out a sigh. "I miss the exciting new discoveries, but not the political red tape crap that went with it."

Tro'val let out a chuckle. "My dear, politics is in every aspect of our lives, no matter how much we hate it."

"Yeah...tell me about it," she said forcing her eyes from the stars and to the older man. She admired the man's strength to keep going on after losing his wife to the virus.

Another man, younger also approached the duo. "Hello Drani, dad," Tavus announced, emerging from the research tent, also happily removing the containment suit.

"Hello, son. Busy day today."

"Yeah, got that right. Just when you think you have that damn virus under control, it somehow adapts. I'm beginning to think it's hopeless."

"It's not hopeless. We'll find a way. We just have to keep vigilant," Drani reassured him with a smile.

"Well, I should get some food and rest," Tor'val said with a grin as he moved off to his tent. He hoped Tavus and Victoria would become intimate as he liked Victoria. She was smart, kind, and beautiful.

Tavus turned to Victoria and grinned. "So, how about dinner?"

Victoria laughed. "No thanks. I want to live after eating the food."

Tavus laughed with mock hurt. "Come on, my cooking isn't that bad."

Drani liked the man--he was rather handsome and a kind man, as well as a brave man, having saved her from an attack from an infected person soon after the outbreak.

"Alright. Dinner it is, but that's all. And I'll cook the food," Victoria warned with a finger and a smile.

"I've learned to never argue with you, Victoria."

"Smart move."



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