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Meeting the CIO

Posted on Tue Feb 17th, 2009 @ 4:02am by Commander Acle Walex

Mission: Dark Discoveries
Location: CIO Office
Timeline: MD3; 1520hrs

...Ashley heard her boss was onboard the Iapetus and after getting out of the shower and drying her sleek body off, she put on a black uniform which curved to her body perfectly, she got dried her hair off and tied it into a pony tail, then left to report in with Walex...

...As Ashley glided seductively along the corridors to the CIO's office, all the men who passed by her turned their heads to stare at her as she walked in the opposite direction of them, she felt their minds shift like a torrent in a river. She found the door to the CIO's office and chimed in...

Acle looked up from the report he was reading. He had not quite realized exactly how much paperword the CIO had to do, or how many personal dossiers he would have to read. He had decided to start with his own department though, and had just finished when the chime sounded. He frowned slightly, then set the report down, making sure to close it, then flipped it over so the name could not be seen. He then pushed a button on his desk, unlocking the door.

...Ashley glided in and noticed her boss's face shift features, as she herself smiled in response. She used her body in a seductive manner as she sat down and crossed her legs and winked at Walex...

"Commander." Ashley said in a calm manner. "Reporting for duty." she said smiling.

Acle quickly recovered from his facial lapse, and inwardly chuckled. He did not allow any sign of that show upon his external features. He leaned back in his chair slightly, then said

"Petty Officer Williams, correct?" Acle asked.

"That would be correct. Im your new field agent, PO 3rd class Williams. I had already met with the ships XO and he seems a bit threatened by me for some reason." Williams said getting up and stretched, extending her hands up in the air and leaned back as she was very flexible, her hands then touched the ground behind her, then retracted her body as she stood back up and sat down again.

"You know being flexible like that really makes getting information easier." Williams said smiling coyly at Walex.

"I imagine so." Acle replied dryly. He straightened his chair, bringing it upright. He brought his hands out in front of him and sat them on the desk, one hand moving to the corner of the upside down report.

"Have a seat Petty officer. I just finished reading your dossier actually."

"Oh?, how many people did it say I 'supposedly' assassinated in the throws of passionate love making?" Williams said sitting down and crossed her legs once again and smiled at Acle.

Acle offered a slight smile but made no comment for a moment, instead meeting the other's gaze squarely. He seemed almost to wait for her to say something further.

"What?, want to bench PRESS against me?" emphasizing 'Press' as she continued to stare at Walex.

"No, I do not think that would be a good idea Petty Officer." Acle said after another moment. His smiled seemed to broaden for just a moment, but, Ashley could not be sure of it, for if anything changed about his expression, it happened to quickly for her to make clear note.

Acle ended the staring contest, and looked down to her report, which he then flipped open.

"Ashley Wiliams. Age 26. An experienced field agent with many reports of success. Thinks quickly and is adept at finding information. Will often go to extraordinary lengths to do so. Commendable field actions." Acle continued to read further for a moment before once again raising his eyes from the report and looking at her.

"Your dossier is impressive, I will admit that. You show impressive abilities when it comes to gathering information from others. I expect this to continue. I will expect nothing less then your best." Acle paused to take a breath and allow her to think about what he was saying "I think we will be able to work well with each other once we come to know one another a little more. We have nothing in the way of a mission at present time though, so, I will give you the rather easy job of simply finding out the atmosphere of the vessel. You have not been onboard for much longer then I have, but, I think you will have an easier time of it then I will. Is there anything that you would like to ask me Petty Officer?" Acle asked.

"I already got a feel for the crew, they cant handle a 'real' woman, the XO some guy named Brown. He is very VERY! good looking though hes threatened by my beauty. He comes off as a man who lets his guard down alot. But then again, my body is my weapon." Ashley said as she got up and walked over to the same side of the desk where Walex sat and leaned over, her breasts were right in Walex's face, as she stretched for her Dossier.

"Oh it says I have level 4 hand to hand fighting and melee combat skills. Aren't my instructors thoughtful?" Ashley said as she leaned back up still leaning against the desk, smiling coyly at Walex.

Acle did not move throughout the enlisted woman's show, instead allowing the other to continue, his face remaining impassive. Once the other had straightened, he also stood up, coming to his full height of six feet, three inches. "Yes, I am sure that you learned well from your instructors... In several things." Acle looked down to the woman "Petty Officer... However much I might appreciate the efforts, you are not going to find out anything from me that I don't wish you to know. All you are doing is merely wasting them." Acle grinned then suddenly "The unfortunate side of this matter is that I get to know exactly what training you have... And you have no idea what I can do. Leave the XO alone for the moment, he has enough to worry about without any further distractions." Acle paused, still looking towards the other.

"Was there anything else Petty Officer?" Acle asked, making clear in his tone that he did not expect there to be.

"Well, im glad my special skills dont work on everyone, for a change. Nice work on resisting the usual male urge. Most males tend to want to use the desk for more then just paper work, if you catch my drift." Ashley said as she snapped a quick salute and headed for the door.

"Oh, Commander, I must thank you for not taking advantage of the situation I put you in. While you were sizing me up, I was sizing you up and now we can work together professionally of course." Ashley smiled as she left the office.


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