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Stardate 63076.5

Posted on Mon Jun 21st, 2010 @ 11:12am by Captain Vorn Krace

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We've arrived in Sector zero-zero-one... Sol - home. I'm always amazed at the feelings seeing Earth live on the viewscreen as we get closer evokes. This is my first time back here for years - the last time I visited home I was merely a Lieutenant, just after my father passed away. Now, I'm a Captain and commanding officer of my second starship... it makes me wonder why I have neglected visiting home sooner.

I'm sure I could argue that it would have been difficult with my assignments in the Galactic North, near what is now known to be the Elyshan borders. But truth be told, I cannot deny that memories of my father's death have played some part in keeping me away. Though this planet brings me many happy memories and a warm feeling of home-coming, it also evokes the painful memories of loss, of an event that I haven't even mentioned to any of my crew in the three years I have been with them. Perhaps it is finally time to face those feelings. I know my mother will have likely missed me dearly, even with the company of the dog I bought her before I returned to Starfleet.

I expect the crew will want to see their own families too, and I've informed the staff that the ship will be open to visitors while we are here. We won't be docking at Earth Stardock while we are here, and so they will have to beam directly aboard, but that shouldn't be much of a problem. As long as the ship is reduced back to her own crew by the time we leave at the end of the week, I foresee no real problems beyond the personal with allowing the civilians on board for a few days. I'm just glad that I can pass off the duty of assigning each of them quarters, should any choose to stay onboard for longer than a day.

Starfleet has informed me that they will begin transmitting the data the various ship's departments will require for our new mission shortly, and I've assigned Commander Archer to ensure that the transmissions are received successfully securely. I am still amazed at the amount of data they will be sending us, though I still imagine it will seem a minuscule amount compared to what we have on the Alpha Quadrant. It has all been classified as 'need-to-know', and unless you are one of those who need to know, the very existence of much of the data seems to be unknown. There are no mentions or references to it in any other file on the ship's computers, which is surprising considering the assets the Federation has committed to the mission.

Only time will tell if this endeavour comes to be an exciting chance to do some real exploring, or a dangerous venture into the unknown...

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