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Protecting One's Friends

Posted on Tue Nov 10th, 2009 @ 12:56pm by Commander Peter Brown & Captain Vorn Krace & Commander Acle Walex & Lieutenant Commander Abigail Valera

Mission: Into a Devil's Heart
Location: U.S.S Lincoln
Timeline: MD06 1830hrs

Peter looked at the back corner of the Bridge as the three transporter blue effects faded. In front of Peter were the three people who he had known in his life since the Lincoln.

"Welcome home," said Peter as he walked up to the three then looked at each of them and took a breath .

"Abi, first I am sorry for what I put you through. I know it was hard but I had to do it," finished Peter.

Abigail glared at Peter, "Why? Why did you attack us?" Abigail had hatred and anger in her eyes. She couldn't believe that Peter had attacked the Iapetus.

"I had to Abi, to protect you all. What I am going after you can't follow; I can't allow my self to let you follow, as what I must do will mean my death." finished Peter.

"First thing is first, these are orders I was given. I can't let you follow me, after more then 5 years in Federation Security I thought I left that life but, again I must go back to Black Operations; the dark missions that no one accepts; the ones that are not known. With this mandate I can't let you follow me. Even if you did I would never allow my self the risk to the crew in this, it is bigger then all of us it is the entire chain of command of Starfleet Intelligence breaking down and with this I can't allow you to follow, sorry." finished Peter.

"If those orders are as true as you say they are, Peter, then there is no chance in hell that you are going to be able to accomplish your mission on your own," Vorn said. "The officers aboard the Iapetus knew the risks when they signed up, and every one of them would freely put themselves in risk to ensure the safety of Starfleet and the Federation, and you know that."

"But, if I allow you to help it will cost you your Command as punishment to me. Acle tell him that my orders are if I allow the Captain to help he will loose his command for me not following my orders. It is why these are Dark Orders" Finished Peter

"Highly irregular I must say, but, yes, it is possible." Acle said slowly. "However, I am from internal security. Wrong side of the coin from me."

Vorn's face took on a self-confident smirk. "You seem to be forgetting something, Peter. I just happen to have a Rear Admiral who owes me a favour or two. I'm not losing my command, not with Iluvar watching my back."

A beep grabs Abigail's attention and she looks at the science console, "Incoming wave from the nebula!"

Vorn turned to Peter. "What's it going to be, Peter? Are you going to cooperate with me, or do we all die here for nothing?"

"Then release the Lincoln, there is no way the Iapetus it self can fight the Sierra, and Captain I am sorry that I didn't come to you I trust you" Said Peter as he pulled up the records

~Computer:U.S.S Serria, Nebula Class Intelligence Prototype......

"Computer, give the details on the Program label Delta-4"

~Computer:Delta 4, program to electronically send a signal to a Federation Computer Mainframe designed to disable key functions. Unless a computer system is not designed to be networked said program will be ineffective~

"Well as you can here, the Iapetus can be used but I need the Lincoln to go close to the Sierra, and the Shockwave the Iapetus can withstand if you modify the Shields with this PADD" Said Peter with a smile as he passed the PADD so Vorn could read it. On it were the specs of the Iapetus and the upgrades to the shields required to withstand the Devil's Nebula and the shockwave.

"Then we'd better get started," Vorn replied, taking the PADD off him. "Abigail, you stay here. I'll be sending over a skeleton crew to help man the Lincoln. Acle, you're with me." Stepping towards the front of the bridge, Vorn turned and tapped his combadge. =^= Krace to Iapetus. Two to beam up.=^=

Peter then walked and took the Command Chair looked at Abi he smiled "If somthing Happens stop me from doing something Stupid" Said Peter

Abigail snarled, "You bet I will Peter! I would just hate it if you died before I got my hands on you."

Captain Vorn Krace
Commanding Officer
USS Iapetus

Lieutenant Commander Peter Brown
Executive Officer
USS Iapetus

Lieutenant Commander Acle Walex
Chief Intelligence Officer/Acting Executive Officer
USS Iapetus

Lieutenant Abigail Valera
Chief Science Officer
USS Iapetus


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