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Starting anew

Posted on Fri Dec 18th, 2009 @ 8:47pm by Commander Acle Walex

Mission: Into a Devil's Heart
Location: CIO office
Timeline: MD 11 1500 hours

Acle sighed softly as he looked about the office that he had spent the majority of his time in since joining the crew of the Iapetus. Documents and padds lay scattered across his desk. He absently began to organize them, although his mind was elsewhere.

He had already gathered his personal possessions and transferred them to his new office. An office that he thought he would never be in again, at least, for a permanent period of time. The official orders had come in from Star Fleet today, detailing himself as no longer the acting executive officer, but, instead, the actual executive officer.

Acle smiled slightly as he mused to himself. Vorn most likely had something to do with the orders coming in, leaving Acle himself no room to maneuver. Vorn most likely had something to do with the orders coming in, leaving Acle himself no room to maneuver. Quite well done actually. With the official orders detailing Acle to the job, he couldn't very well turn down the job with any degree of responsibility. If Acle was completely candid with himself, he couldn't even deny that the posting had some appeal to it, insofar as a challenge.

It was all somewhat of a moot point anyway. Acle was a commissioned officer, he would follow his orders.

Acle woke the desk terminal from its own musings and entered in his personal intelligence pass code. The familiar warning appeared, which Acle ignored as usual. He went to his messages and began to send out to his direct intelligence superiors the notice of his orders. Although they had undoubtedly received notice from personnel themselves, it was professional courtesy to send out a message himself. He quickly finished doing so and perused what few messages had arrived for them.

Most of the messages were simply acknowledgments about his transfer. One, however, was not. It was a personal message from an anonymous source. Curious, Acle opened it.

//Your not getting away that easily my dear boy. I can picture you jumping with glee and clapping your hands together. The image fills me with great amusement actually. You are still an intelligence officer. Use what you have learned, what you have been trained with. The assignments that will be heading the Iapetus's way will suit them I think. Have fun Acle.

The mouse is hunting Red Eagle.

~The Old Man

Acle stared at the message for several moments before he moved, re-reading to twice before beginning to scowl. Although cryptic, there was no doubt as to who the message was from, nor was there any doubt on most of the comments. His dear old boss was still meddling it appeared. What was most disturbing about the entire message was the last part, added as what might appear to be after-thought to the casual reader. Acle, however, knew better. He did not doubt that the entirety of the rest of the message had been sent to cover up somewhat that small sentence.

Acle's old tactical call-sign was Red Eagle. He had not used it in nearly five years. Someone, or something was hunting him.

Acle swore to himself softly, then entered in another command. The computer began to route the message back to its sender, but, as expected could not. According to the computer, the message originated from somewhere inside a black hole, or from inside a sun. Also according to the computer, the message had two original sending locations. Acle shook his head slightly, then entered another command, purging the message from the system and systematically destroying all evidence of it. He then entered in another command and the screen went dark. The terminal had begun to purge all records of Acle ever using it. He leaned back, interlacing his hands behind his head and stared up at the ceiling, lost in thought as the computer in front of him annihilated his memory.


Commander Acle Walex
Executive Officer
USS Iapetus


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