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Damage Report

Posted on Sat Jan 15th, 2011 @ 9:26pm by Captain Vorn Krace & Lieutenant Commander Zim Drex

Mission: Shadows Fall
Location: USS Iapetus - Main Engineering
Timeline: MM2 MD28 0410hrs

As Vorn walked into the ship's engineering - the heart of the Iapetus - he moved directly for the Chief Engineer. The Chief was fairly new to the ship, having only transferred aboard at their brief stop-off at Earth, but Vorn had made a point of memorising which engineer was the one he would be going straight to with any problems with his ship. Like most captains, he had become very attached to her.

Engineering wasn't completely in shambles but it was getting there. A random coolant leak was spraying into the crew compartment which the new chief engineer had been scrambling to contain when the Captain came on deck. A flurry of engineering personnel hard at work was accented by a lone blue Lieutenant standing near the middle of the room.

"Redirect coolant away from Engineering console 23 delta." Drex chimed.

"Lieutenant," he said, getting the Bolian's attention as he approached. "Let me hear it. What damage did we take?" With the USS Marconi exploding pretty intensely at such a close distance only hours ago, he knew that there would be some damage to sections of the ship which were nearest to it.

"Ahp uhm Captain! I wasn't expecting you to come here directly." He immediately began to straighten his uniform. He had only transferred to the Iapetus recently, so naturally he had only really begun to start figuring the beast out. "As far as I know, uhm, starboard power couplings are offline, though there's no threat of a containment failure. We've taken damage to our deflector control relay and secondary hull. The most I can give you is warp 5 until I can divert warp plasma away from deck 8. We've had an EPS rupture near jefferies tube uhh..." His fingers run along a schematic of the ship laid out on a PADD he's holding. "Section 29 baker. Yeah. That's it." He bit the corner of his lip nervously. Here came the bad news. "Shields are at 75%. It'll be another 24 hours before I can get her 100% again. Until then, it's either weapons or warp drive, sir."

He went on to say: "I have to tell you, it is a real privilege to be working with this design Captain. To think, a Luna class! I tell you, sir. You should have seen my face. I turned twelve shades of blue when Captain Hanson notified me of the transfer. Only the legendary Commander Ra-Havreii has had the honor of tinkering with this model starship. Not! to imply that your vessel is simply a model, sir. I just want to let you know how grateful I am for the opportunity to..."

A conduit exploded with the timing of a saint. A shower of sparks sprayed one of the engineering stations. Fortunately, no one was standing at it. Drex started to dart off and take care of that.

"I need it done in 18 hours, Lieutenant," Vorn responded. From his experience, his engineers had always exaggerated on how long it would take to get any work completed, to make themselves look better than they said they were. Today, Vorn just wanted to push the guys in the engine room to work as hard as they've ever worked onboard before, and get them onto getting the ship back to full operational status ASAP, to allow them to properly stake out their Romulan prey.

Drex looked back from his Engineering console and had a look of horror on his face. Engineers were miracle workers in their own right, but this one would take a specifically enumerated one in the record books.

"Yes sir!" He piped up. And with that, it was a done deal. He would have the ship back at capacity, or his little blue fingers would come off. One or the other. Since they were still attached for the moment, he tapped his commbadge. "Lieutenant Drex to Ensign Johanson."

The Assistant Chief responded with Vulcan monotony. "Go ahead."

"We're all working round-the-clock until further notice. Assemble your team and gamma shift. Your team will handle deflector control. Gamma will handle the phaser relays. My team will remain in Main Engineering."

"Acknowledged. Who will seal the plasma leak on deck eight?"

"I've got just the team in mind. Drex out."

Drex circled toward the middle of the engineering compartment and said. "Computer! Activate Emergency Holographic Engineering Team!"

From the empty decks, a ripple of light and sound marked the appearance of five holograms, each resembling EMHs, dressed in Operations gold and carrying Engineering kits.

The middle one stepped forward and spoke clearly. "Please state the nature of the Engineering Emergency..."

It was going to be a busy 18 hours, indeed. "There's a plasma leak on deck eight, section twenty nine. I need it repaired immediately."

"Understood. We'll get started immediately Lieutenant." They all began to file off toward the turbolift.






"I brought a few friends over from the Bellerophon." Drex said to the Captain. "I hope you don't mind." And at that, he started off toward a jefferies tube to begin work.

Captain Vorn Krace
Commanding Officer


Lieutenant Zim Drex
Chief Engineering Officer


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