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Stepping out of the widening Gyre

Posted on Sun Jan 9th, 2011 @ 6:21am by Commander Jordan Gunning & Captain Vorn Krace & Lieutenant Valkris Edwardson

Mission: Shadows Fall
Location: Various Locations
Timeline: MM2 MD27 - 2354hrs


On the bridge of the Imperial Romulan Vessel Ra'kholh , there was an eerie sense of calm as the officers went about their business. The usually secretive operatives would have expected to be in the middle of a riotous din as they worked to bring their cloaking device back on line. As it was, however, the cloaking device remained active and the Federation ship had not seemed to have detected them.

Their detection grid must have failed. Hardly surprising given the advanced cloaking device of the Shrike class and especially this vessel. Centurion Vattra stood overlooking the bridge as the Commander and Subcommander ran the observation of the Federation vessel admirably. They were incredible officers and he was far from surprised that the Tal Shiar had selected them to work together on this mission.

He looked on quietly as the gleaming frame of the Iapetus hung in space in front of them, ostensibly conducting wide-band sensor sweeps of the debris field. He glanced at the Metolis' own sensor screens and saw very little of any interest. The Federation vessel was either destined to move on to their next destination or be destroyed by the disruptors of this very ship. All they had to do was arm another warhead.

"Any signs that the Federation ship's sensors have detected anything of note?" the Commander asked, looking over his shoulder slightly in the direction of his Subcommander.

"None," the more junior operative responded. "Our cloak reads fully intact, and our warhead vaporised its shell upon detonation."

"Good. We shall be patient then and watch. They shall move on soon enough."

"Yes, Commander." The Centurion replied. The sensor alert suddenly sounded and the deep green console suddenly lit up with a proximity alert. "Commander! There is a ship dropping out of warp right behind us! Helm, move us away!"

The helmsman acknowledged the order, despite the apparent break in the chain of command he thought it better to still be around to take stock of things afterwards.

"It's a Kilngon ship, Commander." The Centurion reported. "A D-Seventy class battle cruiser. What are your orders?"

|| On board the Klingon Vessel IKV voDleH ro' ||

The IKV voDleH ro' (Emperor's Fist) dropped out of warp and slowly crept towards it's intended redezvous. The CO, a Klingon woman, stood at her post singing softly to herself. Looking out at the forward view screen she stared at the tiny gleaming form of what was unmistakably a Federation Starship. The rest of the crew went about their duties with a sense of purpose and efficiency that only came from years of shared experience.

"Helm, slow to one eighth impulse power! Tactical initiate standard sensor sweep and bring up the ECM's (Electronic Counter Measures) up to nominal status!" Commander K'nera ordered.
" One eighth impulse power!" The helmsman replied "....ECM's active on nominal status..Commander, aren't we expected?"

Commander K'nera walked over to the tactical station, never taking her eyes off of the Forward View screen. "...Mor'taH...we're here to rendezvous with the USS Marconi are we not?" K'nera asked
"...Yes my lady, we are expected to rendezvous with the Federation exploration and science vessel known as the USS Marconi" Mor'taH replied.

"Commander K'nera's jaw clenched and she walked back over to her seat. "Kor, contact the Major and have her come up to the bridge! "

"Commander is something wrong?" The science officer said hesitantly. Kon'n was a reletively new addition to the crew of the Emperor's fist and to the newest class of Battleships to the fleet. He hadn't served with the commander long enough to realize that something has her unnerved and on edge.

"Tactical, Yellow alert! I want all forward batteries online and raise shields!! Comm,....Hail that vessel!"

"gaH, they are out allies? why are we arming our weapons!" Mor'taH asks, clearly on edge but carrying out her ourders nonetheless.

"Mor'taH, that ship is not the USS Marconi..I want to find out who they are and what they are doing here first before we find ourselves the fool, fighting in a burning house!!" K'nera snaps

"Commander, I'm picking up debris 1200 meters from the federation vessel, It is consistent with the class and type of vessel as the Marconi"

The doors to the command pod opened as several crewmen rushed to their stations to relieve some already on duty. Two woman entered, their features are obviously related somehow, one is clearly half Human and the other is a full blood Klingon. They are laughing with one another and holding hands. The full blooded Imperial, walks over to the Helm station and takes her post. The other, is dressed in a Starfleet uniform complete with an honor baldric sash, walks over to the command dias and takes a seat.

"Dr. K'nera, is there some reason why we have to go to yellow alert the moment we drop out of warp? I'm sure whomever is on duty on the Marconi won't appreciate having a Battleship of the line suddenly appear with her shields up and her weapons bristling!"

"Major, I haven't been called Doctor since we served so long ago on board the Sword of Valor!" Commander K'nera says off handedly

"..and sadly, I am no longer to be referred to as Major...It's Lieutenant now.." Valkris says correcting her. "..It's amazing how fast you've risen in these few years, it seemed like we never had a moments rest.."

"...Those were some fun times little sister! I'm just excited that I got the chance to get my hands on her! These Khin'Vagh's are so hard to get stationed on, do you know what I had to promise to transfer on to the Emperor?.." Kali starts to say as her hands begin activating the Navigation and Helm controls.

"another time Kali!... Mor'taH, initiate a tachyon sweep of the area, I want to know if there's anything else out there!" K'nera says "Comm! Hail that ship! I want to know who they are, what they are doing here and where in Grethor (hell) is the Marconi!!"

" gaH, hailing frequency open!"

Valkris steps forward and places a hand on K'nera's shoulder and whispers " HoD....I am sure that they are simply trying to determine what exactly is going on, I suggest that we remain on yellow alert until we find out what happened to the Marconi and what this other ship knows..."

K'nera nods to her friend as a testament to their bonds of friendship. "...I agree but something still just isn't right." Motioning for Com to activate her audio she turns toward the main display ".....Federation Vessel, this is the IKEF Fist of the Emperor, Identify yourself!"

Jordan thought better of passing up the message. "Captain, the Klingon vessel is requesting we identify. Shall I open hailing frequencies?"

"On screen," Vorn said, nodding towards Gunning.

As the Klingon captain appeared on the viewscreen, and her message was repeated through the ship's bridge speakers, Vorn responded, his voice strong and confident, as he had learned to always be when dealing with Klingons. "I am Captain Vorn Krace of the Federation Starship Iapetus," he said. "You have arrived in a dangerous situation Captain, in a system with restricted access to all vessels. State your reason for being here."

K'nera's eyes narrowed as she regarded Captain Krace ".....Ahhh..Captain Krace of the Iapetus...I will remember that name as that of the brash Human who thought to dictacte where we Klingons may or may not go!"

"You are in Federation space, which means you must abide by Federation restrictions. All non-authorised vessels, Starfleet or otherwise, are restricted in this system, as you well know," Vorn just about managed to hold back from snapping at the perpetuant Klingon Captain. "As I said, you have entered into a dangerous situation which we are investigating, and we are on high alert. State your reason for being here."

K'nera smiled as she sat back in her chair "....We are here to meet with the USS Marconi to deliver a crew member. Can you see how things look to us captain? Our hails go unanswered, and we drop out of warp to find nothing but the wreckage of the Marconi? Captain Krace, we came here to deliver one of our own, back to you and instead of an ally, we find a Federation captain playing the part of a young Grishnar cat....."

Off screen another figure cleared their throat, which served to interrupt Captain K'nera from continuing her "Curse warfare" any further. Captain K'nera smiles "....We are here to deliver Lieutenant Valkris sutaI tSepeS-Edwardson to the USS Marconi..."
Motioning with her hand, another figure steps into view.

Valkris, dressed in her Starfleet uniform stepped into view and nods her head "Captain Krace, I have orders to report to the USS Marconi, now that she is gone, The Emperor's Fist is here to help until Starfleet Command decides where I am to go!" Valkris reasons. "..I will transmit my orders to you for verification, In the meantime, I suggest together to find out who or..what is responsible for this incident before things get too interesting"

Vorn looked over towards Captain Keldor, and after receiving a nod of confirmation of this information, turned back towards the viewscreen. "Very well, Lieutenant. You shall have to make sure it is done quickly, we are pressed for time here, and we are tracking a vessel we believe may be involved. We shall... discuss how The Emperor's Fist may be of assistance when you arrive. Iapetus out."

Valkris turns towards K'nera "....well that went as well as could be expected....still, you have to remember that Humans have a longstanding.. apprehension towards Klingons"

"As well they should...but I understand your point..." K'nera concedes "...we will be within transporter range soon,..."

Valkris nods her head "..It has been good to spend some time with all of you again even if it was for just a short while! Please thank Lord M'rul for the use of his ship.."
Valkris says as she embraces Commander K'nera before walking over to the transporter dias..

"Serve with honor sister!" Valkris says to K'nera

"Try not to kill anyone on your first day!" K'nera replies "....energize!"

The gleaming interior of the Emperor's Fist dissolves before Valkris's eyes as she's transported to the USS Iapetus



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