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Posted on Sat Jul 9th, 2011 @ 12:22pm by Captain Vorn Krace & Lieutenant JG Emily Hamson

Mission: The Fate of the Swiftsure
Location: USS Iapetus - Captain's Ready Room
Timeline: MD02 1618hrs

Emily wasn't happy, her Borg alcove had been placed in the wrong position in her quarters and her staff had left her science labs disorganized and messy. She had no choice but to inform the Captain and get it all sorted out.
She left her quarters and walked down the corridor to a turbo lift.

"Bridge." She told the computer.

The turbo lift doors opened and she walked onto the bridge, the Captain wasn't sat in his chair so she assumed that he was in his ready room. She walked to the door and pressed the call belll.

"Come in!" Vorn announced, as he sat at his desk, an empty coffee cup resting to one side of it, whilst his work terminal was raised out of the surface towards the other. "Ah, Lieutenant," he said, smiling and standing as he saw who was walking through his door. "Welcome. I apologise that we haven't had the chance to talk properly since you've come aboard, everything has been a bit of a rush trying to make up for lost time."

"Good day sir. No apologises are necessary." she stated "I must be the one to apologise as I come here with complaints." she said and handed him a PADD.

"Oh?" Vorn asked, curious as to what they might be. Their previous science chiefs hadn't had much to complain about - a few additional requests to make for requisitions to the first officer, but never any actual complaints. "Such as?" he enquired, as he took the PADD.

"The labs were left dis-organised and cluttered and my Borg alcove has not been set up correctly." she explained.

"Well, I know that Lieutenant Velara has been accused of keeping a messy set of quarters before now, but I wouldn't have thought that she'd have left the science labs in such dis-array," he responded, privately wondering if the comment of disorganisation and cluttered-ness was actually an opinion rather than an observation; he'd never served with a former drone before, but he had heard that many of the former drones that had been a part of the Collective for a significant amount of time tended to develop an ongoing... need for the continued strive for perfection. Though he must admit he didn't know this woman well enough yet to judge.

"As for your alcove," he continued, "I'll get Lieutenant Drex to move it to the top of his priority list."

"That is much appreciated. And may I take this opportunity to thank you for allowing me to become part of your crew." she said and smiled for a few moments.

"The pleasure is mine," Vorn responded with a smile, as he resumed his seat and offered the Lieutenant one also. "Your former CO on the Reagan sent me a stunning recommendation for you, and I was led to believe that your... well, your past experiences give you somewhat of an advantage over your other colleagues in the field."

"Correct. I use to be a science drone aboard a Borg cube." She answered.

Vorn nodded, reminding himself that her psych profile attached to her service record had told him she tended to be rather direct with her answers and statements, and endeavoured not to feel as if he needed to salvage the conversation, as was the natural human reaction in the face of such responses. "Well, I hope that we'll be able to make ample use of your expertise," he told her, genuinely. Though she was not Seven of Nine, every officer in Starfleet had heard he stories of how her experience with the Borg had greatly assisted the crew in their journey across the Quadrant - the Iapetus' own sensor suite was designed partly borrowing concepts from the astrometrics lab she had build aboard Voyager.

"Yes sir, I hope so." she nodded. "I am needed at the Science lab. Thank you Captain." she said.

"Thank you Lieutenant," Vorn said, nodding himself as a farewell as Emily turned around and left the room.

Captain Vorn Krace
Commanding Officer


Lieutenant JG Emily Hamson
Chief Science Officer


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