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Personal Log Chief Engineer Zim Drex: 65449.8

Posted on Sat Nov 5th, 2011 @ 6:06am by Lieutenant Commander Zim Drex

Cutscene: The Iapetus adrift, hanging on the outskirts amongst tumbling asteroids, mostly dark, save for the usual window lighting. Cut to tight shot of Drex in a jefferies tube, holding a glowing repair module in his teeth, while running another glowing repair tool near a piece of conduit.

Voiceover: "We're adrift, with a blown main computer, and half the systems on the ship running on manual, and most of the ship's bridge crew out of contact with a half dozen renegade pirates on their tails. All in all, this mission could be going a little more smoothly."

Cutscene: Drex shields his eyes before some sort of short sprays sparks all over the panel. He sighs, and switches tools in his kit, resuming the work with a bit of a headshake, but looking determined. Eventually, the conduit lights up again, bathing the entire chamber in a pulsing pale yellow glow.

Voiceover: "But like the great Montgomery Scott once said..." Doing his best Scotty. "Damage control is easy. Reading Klingon - that's hard."

Cutscene: Drex steps off the ladder and through a doorway into the cooridor. He points one direction, then the other, trying to get his bearings, but then seems sure of himself, saying hello to a crewman as he makes his way to the next job, repair kit in hand.

Voiceover: "The Iapetus is really starting to feel like home, which is surprising, since it took months to get settled into the Bellerophon. The crew really has done a lot to make me feel at home. I even like to think I've made a few friends along the way. There's a real sense of cooperation and family here that you just can't find in any technical manual, or tactical field guide."

Cutscene: Drex exits a turbolift, walks down a corridor and enters in a door marked "Torpedo Bay." Appropriately, it's a large room with several stacked warheads and a long tube at one end of the room. Drex greets the gold shirt manning the launch control station and crouches down to remove a panel and starts working.

Voiceover: "Even though it's great to have a lot of work to keep me occupied, I can't wait for a break in the action, so I can spend some time on the holodeck. I brought along the program parameters for a new holo-novel I'm working on. Of course, this time everything will be perfect."

Cutscene: Drex stares off into space, but then snaps out of it. He types some commands into the tricorder and then looks down the row. Several probes begin to light up in their alcoves, flashing and strobing in a synchronous wave pattern. He stands and nods once to the weapon's officer, who seems somewhat impressed at the light show.

Voiceover: "I sure hope we can get to the away team in time."

End log


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