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Engaging the Sierra

Posted on Sun Nov 15th, 2009 @ 7:09pm by Captain Vorn Krace & Commander Peter Brown & Commander Acle Walex & Commander Jordan Gunning & Lieutenant Commander Abigail Valera & Lieutenant JG Lucas Jameson

Mission: Into a Devil's Heart
Location: Devil's Nebula
Timeline: MD07 1603hrs

=^=Captain to the bridge,=^=

Vorn opened his eyes and took a moment to accustom himself to his surroundings. He was lying on the small bunk in his ready room, looking up at the ceiling. He'd chosen to have power naps in here rather than sleep for eight hours in his quarters - it meant that he was more readily available for if they found the Sierra - they had no idea how long it would take. So far, it had been just under 22 hours.

Rolling off the bed onto his feet, he made sure he was presentable, and stepped through the double red doors to the bridge. "Report," he said, alert as ever.

The faces of the officers on the USS Lincoln appeared on the viewscreen as Vorn took his seat. "Report," he said, looking up at the screen and awaiting the information.

Peter was in the Command Chair of the Lincoln, still out of uniform without a service jacket on - just an tunic with his comm badge. Peter looked at the readings on his console.

"Looks like we're coming to bear on the Sierra. I say within a few moments we will be fired upon. Mr. Gunning, weapons to full," replied Peter.

"Aye, sir." Jordan replied, hoping Allison had understood the component parts of their plan.

[U.S.S Sierra, Bridge]

Sean walked up to John Brown who was sitting in the Command Chair he leaned down and whispered "The Lincoln and the Iapetus have been detected. Weapons range in 17 Minutes," the cold man said.

John jumped up and looked around the Bridge, smiling with his evil grin. "Battle stations, Helm full impulse into a pocket of gas. Let's see if they can follow us. Also get be a link between both vessels. I am going to give a warning to Peter," replied John.

Sean entered the Commands into the Operations station linking and wide beam broadcast hail "You're on, Sir."

==^== This is Captain John Brown, of the Sierra. You are ordered to surrender Peter Brown to me. If you don't, the following will happen; ==^==

In the moment of silence, John grabbed Sara Pendragon, throwing her on the Deck in front of the conn, smiling.

==^==She dies Peter, so you better surrender.==^==

[U.S.S Lincoln & U.S.S Iapetus, Bridge]

In Peter's eyes, there was the sight of fire. He stood up, looking around the deck.

"FULL IMPULSE!" yelled Peter.

"Dammit," Vorn said, as he watched the Lincoln begin to race forwards. "The gullible idiot, he's going to go flying straight into a trap. Helm; match their speed! All hands; red alert."

He turned towards the tactical station, were Jordan's deputy was sitting. "Is the plan you and Lieutenant Gunning worked on ready to implement?"

Allison looked up at the Captain, this was to be her first test as Gunning's number two. Ready as it'll ever be. "Yes, sir. Ready to go."

=^=Krace to Engineering. We're going to need those modifications very shortly. Are you ready?=^=

=^=So long as you use the term ready very loosely.=^= Luc's voice replied =^=The modifications are all installed, but I haven't had a chance to run any simulations sinse fine tuning them. They should be OK though.=^=

"Helm quickly enter a pocket of gas then power us down," stated Peter as he stood up and walked to the Science Station.

"Abi, I need you to scan the Sierra. I need an 0.464% Variance of the Shielding. Let me know if you find that," replied Peter as he turned to the tactical station.

"Mr.Gunning, Standby on the Prototype Torpedoes and prepare to Fire at the Gas." Peter walked to the Side station and entered an encrypted comm appearing on the Command Chair comm in Front of Krace and Acle

==^== Vorn, I need you to fire Torpedoes at the Pocket of gas we are heading for, what I am planing on doing is making my Father think we are disabled. When he comes for the kill we can disable them, in order for me, I mean the Iapetus to Board her, make him think you have orders to destroy me,==^== Peter said.

"Request denied," Vorn stated flatly. "Mister Gunning has formulated our own plan to remove Captain Brown's ace-in-the-hole. We will proceed with that. Are you ready over there, Lieutenant?" Vorn didn't want to try and bait a ship which had already proven that it wasn't above loosing fire on a defenceless city just for show, and he wasn't going to put his ship - he corrected himself - his ships or his crew in any more danger than was required, especially not since the Sierra was clearly trying to lead them into the gas pockets as a trap.

"I'm ready, sir. As soon as I have the shield variance I might even be able to knock out their shield generator," he paused realising he probably shouldn't have made such an ambitious comment. "If I get the aim right."

"Good," Vorn replied. "Wait for my mark."

Peter stared at the screen, looking at Vorn for a moment. ==^==Fine, we will be ready==^==

"Okay, Mr. Gunning target the secondary shield generator - that is the true shield generator of the Sierra. The variance of the shielding ranges between 0.4683% and .9789%. Running my shield program, the secondary variance is .4673%. Given those ranges, to beat my shields we need a 1.463% variance on the phasers," stated Peter as he checked his phaser. Then looked at the Ready Room. He took a breath, getting back in Command Mode, knowing what had to be done.

"Okay, helm bring us around, bearing 256 by 353, Z minus 3 degrees. Slow to half impulse power. Mr. Gunning behind those phasers fire one torpedo behind the Sierra. With the Devil's Nebula if the pocket of gas is struck, it will cause a distribution to subspace, causing their impulse engines to become useless. With that, we can strike," said Peter, as he took a seat in the Command Chair and send an text message to Vorn.

Vorn, if you have to remove me from Command of the Lincoln as per regulation 619 - and Vorn I know you can only read this - listen to me. What ever; happens save Sara.

Peter looked at the viewscreen, waiting for the attack. In his head, he thought of Sara and hoped that she would make it though. If she didn't, this was his failure.

[U.S.S Sierra, Bridge]

Sara was on the floor of the bridge. Looking around she could barely move. She hurt so bad, but then she heard Peter's name. Looking around, she could see the crew ready to fight him.

"See, you bastard! He came for me!" yelled Sara.

John looked down at the girl on the floor, then whispered in her ear, spitting as he spoke.

"Yes, he did but I will destroy him by killing you. He will be broken. He has already stolen a Federation vessel as per the records. If you're dead, I will have him destroyed and cause him to finally be forced back into service with Intelligence."

"But.....But......" John slapped her in the face.

"Did you never think I'd planned this for years? Sean, you, and breaking up you and Peter with the threat on your parents? I needed him alone to cause this to happen," replied John.

[USS Lincoln & USS Iapetus]

Peter looked at the viewscreen at the Sierra, then he smiled knowing what was about to happen "Mr.Gunning target their impulse engines. Fire phasers," yelled Peter.

"Aye, sir." Jordan's fingers tapped triumphantly on the console as the streak of phaser fire ripped out of the emitters and struck the Sierra.

"The explosion damaged the Sierra's impulse drive and has distorted subspace. They can't warp away, but unfortunately neither can we," The CSO/Biologist's voice sounded through the mayhem.

"We won't win any battles at warp," Vorn said in response, watching the Sierra on the half of the view screen not occupied by the image from the Bridge of the Lincoln. "Mister Jameson, stand ready with transporters. Engage on Mister Gunning's mark. Lieutenants Gunning and Cathcart; mark. Take out their shields!"

Jordan glanced down at his console and saw a text transmission from Allison with the word "Now?" imprinted on it. He felt some kind of connection as they both pressed the fire command in almost perfect time.

=^=OK, here we go.=^= Luc's voice said =^= Shields are down... and Miss. Pendagron is in sickbay.=^=

[U.S.S Sierra-Bridge]

John looked around at the damaged bridge. He saw that Sara was being beamed off - with the damage to the power systems there was not much to do.

"Computer Request Security Access, Brown, John Captain Echo-Seven-Niner-Niner-Niner!"

~Access Granted~

"Computer Main Deflector - send pulse directly into the nebula under program label Plan B. Arm Self Destruct."

~Working, Self Destruct Arming Codes Required~

"Brown, John Captain, Commanding Officer. Arm Self Destruct authorization Brown, John Tango-Beta-Nine."

~Commanding Officer's code confirmed. Require Executive officer's Confirmation~

"Computer; Pendragon, Sean Commander, Chief Operations Officer. Arm Self Destruct. Authorization Pendragon, Sean Commander Alpha-Delta-Five~

~Self Destruct armed. Final code required~

"Computer this is Captain Brown. Activate Self Destruct. 15 Minutes."

"All weapons open fire!" Yelled John.

[U.S.S Iapetus Sickbay]

"PETER WHERE IS PETER, WERE IS HE WERE IS PETER??" yelled Sara as she ran from the Medical staff.

[U.S.S Iapetus Bridge]

The Bridge shook as the Sierra began firing phasers. Then. a pulse from the deflector started to react with the nebula.

Vorn stood with the urgency he felt coursing through him, adrenalin pumping at the need to take action. "Helm, both ships! Z minus 90 degrees, full impulse engage!"

As both ships pointed their bows straight 'down' relative to their previous plane, they accelerated to their top sub-light speed in an effort to escape the explosion that the pulse from the Sierra was going to cause in the surrounding gasses of the nebula.

"I'm reading a warp core overload on the Sierra. They've activated the self-destruct!" Abigail whipped around to look at Peter's face.

"Helm, adjust course directly at the Sierra, I am not going to loose this. All power to transporters and to impulse engines!" yelled Peter as he jumped up and took the Operations station. He entered the commands diverting power. On the viewscreen, Peter could see fighters launching from the Sierra directly towards the Lincoln.

"Helm, pattern Kirk-Omega, punch it!" yelled Peter as the sweat pooled at the small of his back. As he entered the commands into the transporters, he worked on the targeting scanners, getting the exact life sign readings. Once he got the confirmation he lowered the shields and transported the Sierra crew aboard. He then re-raised the shields.

"Helm get us the hell out of here!" yelled Peter as he walked back to the Command chair. He looked at the viewscreen, removing his Comm Badge and taking a breath.

"Mr. Gunning, you are ordered to place me under arrest under the charge of treason against the Federation. I will confine myself to the ready room until I can be transferred to the Iapetus. Abi you must assume command," said Peter, as he walked to the ready room and left the bridge.

Captain Vorn Krace
Commanding Officer
USS Iapetus

Lieutenant Commander Peter Brown
Executive Officer
USS Iapetus

Lieutenant Jordan Gunning
Chief Tactical/Security Officer
USS Iapetus

Lieutenant Abigail Valera
Chief Science Officer
USS Iapetus

Lieutenant JG Lucas Jameson
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Iapetus

Various crew of the USS Sierra
Played by LCdr Brown

Sara Pendragon (NPC)
Played by LCdr Brown


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