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The search

Posted on Wed Feb 17th, 2010 @ 9:42pm by Commander Acle Walex & Lieutenant Commander Abigail Valera & Lieutenant JG Jourdan Abbott & Lieutenant JG Lucas Jameson

Mission: Borderline Diplomacy
Location: USS Iapetus - Bridge
Timeline: MD 07 1720hrs

^=All hands, all hands. Alpha shift officers report to their duty station, I say again, Alpha shift officers report to their duty station.=^=

The message resounded throughout the ship, ringing in every closet and space. Crew members looked up then looked at each other, a nervous curiosity beginning to fill the vessel.

Abigail was just finished putting her hair in a ponytail when she got the message. She quickly added the last touch to her uniform and ran out of her quarters. She went to the end of the corridor, to the turbo-lift. She waited for it and looked around. It seemed deserted at the moment. Alpha Shift was just getting up and moving around. The lift arrived and Abigail said, "Bridge."

The turbo-lift went up and stopped three times. Twice to let officers on and once to let an officer off. Finally the lift came to the bridge. "Hello Commander. I trust you had a quiet evening?"

Jourdan was just getting to the exciting bit of the book. To think of it!
"Oh well, duty calls" she said placing it down on her coffee table and trotting out of the door, brushing her hair out of her face and behind her ears.

Several minutes later she arrived on the Luna Class bridge and wandered over to the operations console. Relieving the ensign there she took her seat and started entering her authorization and command codes to bring the console online for Alpha Shift use.

Acle looked up as he saw the two officers enter the bridge and waited till Jourdan was seated before approaching her. He stood to one side of the console, looking forward before leaning down slightly to speak quietly.

"Lieutenant... The signal from the away team has been lost as of fifteen minutes ago. I myself ran a scan of all channels. No emergency beacons, nothing." Acle paused, then continued, still in the same soft voice "Go to full power on communications. It is pretty clear that the signals are gone, but, there is a chance that they will come back online. In addition, squirt a message to Starfleet Command, include along personal Log 19584. In addition, get a hold of the planetary authority and find out where the hell our away team is." Acle finished.

Abigail turned to Acle, "Is there anything you need me to do sir?"

Acle turned to Abigail and nodded. "I assume that you overheard me?" He asked quietly, striding to her side.

"It was hard not to sir. I know you didn't say it loud enough, but I have somewhat good hearing." Abigail grimaced as she let loose that information.

Acle looked at her and grinned slightly. "I know Commander... It used to be my job to know these things, remember?" His grin faded to be replaced by the same look of solemnity. "Boost power to sensors. Scour the planet and any starships near-by. Ignore any protests from the planet. Find the Captain Commander." Acle said.

Abigail nodded and turned to her control panel. She had been given her orders and she was about to execute them though she was confused why she was told not to do any scans and then to do some, but she wasn't about to complain. An order was an order no matter who it came from. She gave a small grin at what he had said about knowing things when it came to overhearing.

Acle turned, looking expectantly at the turbo-lift for the last member of the required senior crew to arrive.

Luc came stumbling out of the turbo lift, his uniform jacket slung over his arm and he hopped, trying to put his left boot on. He had overslept, not that he wanted to admit it. He looked at everyone and grinned sheepishly, a rare occurrence for him.

"Sorry I'm late." He said, finishing getting the boot on and sliding his arms into the jacket "I, uh, overslept."

Acle raised an eyebrow, but, did not comment, idly gesturing to a chair for the engineer to sit. "We have lost contact with the away team." Acle said flatly, moving to stand beside the indicated chair.

"Well, that can't be good." Luc said, taking his seat and playing with the controls "Probably some kind of jamming signal set up. I might be able to counter it, but it will mean going outside the power maximums we were given. I don't suppose that's an option?"

"Oh yes Lieutenant, that is more then an option. In fact, return the ship to normal operating powers effective immediatly. We will not" Acle paused, stressing the word "power up shields or weapons, but, we will begin the process of going to full power." He looked at the engineer then said "Yes, I know... It will take a while. How long till we get to full power from where we are?"

"That depends sir." Luc said "If you want it with the ship in one piece, I can do six hours. With it in pieces, I can have it in thirty minutes. It's all down to intermix ratios, if we just shove them back up to full, it could cause an adverse matter anti-matter reaction, resulting in a cascading warp core breach. Which one do you want?"

Abigail placed a hand on her face and muttered, "Great that is some optimism he's got." The young woman shook her head and focused on her console. First Luc showed up late and then he started giving the information on what he could do. She just hoped he didn't make a habit of it.

Acle smiled somewhat wryly. "I think it would be best if we kept the ship in one piece. Just an assumption on my part, but, I think the Captain would be cross if he came back to find his ship floating throughout the system... In several pieces."

"Yeah I thought so." Luc said, pressing some controls "There, process initiated. Give it six hours and we'll be at full power."

Acle turned to the rest of the bridge, sighing slightly. He then moved to the chair that dominated the center and sat heavily in it. He scanned the bridge once, then settled back, waiting for anything to come through.
Commander Acle Walex
Executive Officer
USS Iapetus

Lieutenant Commander Abigail Valera
Chief Science Officer
USS Iapetus

Lieutenant JG Jourdan Abbott
Chief Operations Officer
USS Iapetus


Lieutenant JG Lucas Jameson
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Iapetus


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