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The unexpected

Posted on Sun Apr 11th, 2010 @ 9:41pm by Commander Acle Walex & Lieutenant JG Christopher Rogan

Mission: Borderline Diplomacy
Location: USS Iapetus Conference Room
Timeline: MD08 0645hrs

Acle stared out into the expanse of space. Mind wandering as he absently stared. He was without contact of his commanding officer, had an unknown ship perched in a polar orbit of a suddenly silent planet. And now this.

Chris entered the Conference room and stood next to Walex. He could see that the XO was far off in his thoughts. For a long while the two just stood there, staring out into space. "I've just received word about the First Minister how are you doing," Chris asked, breaking the silence.

Acle stared out into space a moment longer then replied "I am doing fine." in a flat monotone voice. He turned to look at the other and said "What is your outlook of the situation? What do they stand to gain from executing their own head of state? Do you think they are looking to set themselves up or are they just striking a message?"

"It is a message Commander. They knew what they were doing. Think about it, when the French killed their monarchs they made sure to do out in the open in front of crowds. It was a sign to the people that things were changing. But not only that it was also a warning. 'Oppose our rebellion and you'll suffer the same fate.' During those times the French reveled at the death of the monarchy and anyone else who were even hinted at being loyal to the crown." Chris shook his head, "The first minister was only the beginning."

"Of course," Chris added after a pause. "This is only speculation. Bevrudl is not France."

Acle nodded and appeared to digest the information. "While that is true that Bevrudl is not France... That was a very interesting analogy. Slightly frightening as well." Acle turned from the other to slowly pace. "We lack the intelligence needed. What is done is done, we cannot bring back the first minister. But, at the risk of sounding cold, how will this impact our mission? If they are willing to execute anyone in their way, it does not seem likely they will agree with the UFP values." Acle stopped and looked out at the star scape beyond.

"Nor does it seem likely that they will leave the Captain and the rest of the away team out of this." Acle said quieter. He straightened and looked at the Ensign. "Another impossible question for you... If you were the usurpers, how would you use the away team as a diplomatic tool?" he asked.

"If I were the leader of a group of rebels and there was this group of Federation Officers on my planet. I would be watching them closely. To hold them in prison, torture or even kill them would mean I'd have even a greater mess. It would possibly mean, an all out war with the Federation. Would I be willing to allow that sort of thing? I am trying to bring peace to my planet, bring order to chaos. Allowing war would mean leaving my world to a worse fate than I perceive it to be now."

Acle pursed his lips as he considered the Ensign's words. "Interesting enough... Assuming that they are thinking logically." Acle sighed then turned about again, to gaze at the studded star scape beyond. "Thank you Ensign. I realize that this has been a hell of a arrival for you." He offered a slight smile as he turned to glance at the other then asked "Ever transferred to a ship in quite this situation?"

"Since I've only had two assignments I can't compare this situation to anything else I've experienced. I've co-negotiated with the best and I hope that what ever comes I'll be able to use what they taught me." He stared at the stars, "I will leave you to your thoughts. I'll be in my office for a bit. I have a report to send to the Corps is there anything I can do please don't hesitate."

Acle smiled "Thank you Mr. Rogan. I appreciate the offer. Rest assured that if I have need I will call on you." Acle turned to once again gaze out at the stars. A different type of look was in his eyes, if one had been able to notice it. It was a look of such fierce intentions that it might have made lesser men quail. It disappeared a moment later to be replaced by the normal disciplined stone.

"Yes, sir, I will be in my office." Chris turned and left the room.

Commander Acle Walex
Executive Officer
USS Iapetus


Ensign Christopher Rogan
Chief Diplomatic Officer
USS Iapetus


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