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Matrix, Intermixing, and Distortion.

Posted on Sat Apr 10th, 2010 @ 6:22am by Commander Acle Walex & Lieutenant JG Lucas Jameson

Mission: Borderline Diplomacy
Location: USS Iapetus - Main Engineering
Timeline: MD07 2200

Lucas walked around Engineering, pressing controls and looking over people's shoulders as he did. He got to a junior officer stood at the main warp core station.

"What's the status of the core?" He asked "Please say it's somewhere in the 95% area by now. I don't want to be sat here with my butt more on the line than usual much longer."

Ensign Robinson (NPC) looked up from the console that he was working on. He nearly jumped out of his uniform when he realized it was the chief engineer himself. He glanced down quickly as if to reassure himself that nothing had changed before answering.

"Well Sir", he said, his deep voice loud to be heard over the clamorous sounds in the massive bay. "I am reading the core at 90% and holding. We are preparing to initiate final preparations, but, can go no further until the syncing is completed."

"Dang." Lucas said "Try to get the matter anti-matter intermix ratio to increase by an extra point four percent every six minutes. Let's try and get to one hundred percent a little ahead of schedule, shall we?"

"Aye Aye Sir... Although what about the core matrix? If we increase the intermix ration we run the risk of distorting the matrix, thereby causing more set-backs." The nervous Ensign timidly replied.

"Hey, I remember reading something when I was in school, which I am going to take out of context here by far, but it still applies." Lucas replied "Risk is part of the game. That's it, so, it's time to take some risks."

The Ensign smiled at this, the first non-timid expression that he had made so far and nodded. "Aye Aye Sir. We'll do it that way." the young officer turned to his controls and begin manipulating them to get the desired outcome.

"Good, I'll leave you to it. Keep it up." Luc said, slapping the Ensign on the shoulder before moving off to get back to his office to monitor everything that was going on in Engineering and in the warp core."


Lieutenant Jg Lucas Jameson
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Iapetus


Ensign Robinson (NPC)
Played by Lt. Commander Acle Walex


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