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Boarding Party Alpha

Posted on Wed Jun 29th, 2011 @ 1:17am by Commander Acle Walex & Captain Vorn Krace & Lieutenant Commander Sara Archer & Lieutenant JG Christopher Rogan

Mission: Shadows Fall
Location: Romulan ship Ra'kholh
Timeline: Concurrent with Boarding Party Bravo

As the USS Iapetus docked with the Romulan Ship, the two boarding parties travelled across to the other ship. An advance guard boarded with them, securing the Romulan side of the dock to ensure that hostile beings did not venture back across. Bravo Team, led by Lieutenant Commander Gunning, moved off to complete their objective, as Alpha team moved to do the same.

Acle glanced at his team, then waved for them to follow. An additional member of the security division accompanied the starfleet officers, Petty Officer Junix.

Acle led the way into a corridor, having studied the maps and specifications of the ship that the intelligence department had been able to come up with. He was silent the entire trip, the TR-116 Rifle that he carried held at the ready in his arms. The Security NCO took up the rear, covering the tail of the starfleet group.

Chris had only been on a few away missions in his short career. Many of which were just the basic beam down explore a bit then return. And on those missions the gut feeling of walking into a trap never crossed his mind. He never needed to use the phaser he clutched tightly in his right hand. "It's too quiet."

Sara kept her Type II phaser in her holster, but had her tricorder ready. Boarding a Romulan vessel was not something that many Starfleet officers could say they have done, she was ready to recover any information possible during their mission. Although their orders were clear, she would much rather spend some time alone with the ship's computer. However, that wasn't going to be an option. She would just have to make due with what she had available.

Acle did not answer the ensign as the group rounded a corner and came to an intersection. He paused then, and consulted his tricorder that he wore at his waist, Acle then turned to his left and entered a turbo-lift. He waited till everyone was inside, then spoke.

"Once we get up there, the situation will most likely be tense." Acle eyed Rogan then, then said "Mr. Junix will keep security for us, other then him, I want everyone to keep their hands away from their weapons unless a clear threat is percieved." Acle paused then said "Go ahead and holster it Ensign." Acle said, offering a slight smile to the younger officer.

Acle turned to the intelligence officer then. "Commander, I will leave it up to you and the petty officer to sense the mood and keep an eye on things. I am sure the Captain is going to keep Mr. Rogan and I busy. Don't be afraid to... Do whatever you feel you must or can get away with." Acle said, leaving the rest unspoken. "Everyone ready?" Acle asked, his hand near the console that would raise the turbo-lift to the level of the Bridge.

Sara nodded. She knew what the former intelligence officer was giving her permission to do. There was an unspoken understanding between them. "Aye, Commander."

"Ready as I'll ever be." Chris said as he placed his phaser carefully back in its holster. He started a silent prayer to keep his teeth from chattering.

Acle shouldered his own rifle and pushed the turbo-lift button, taking the lift to the level of the bridge. He did not speak, but, thought for a moment.

Junix tightened his grip on his rifle, keeping his shoulders level. The security officer was an ex-marine, having transferred from the marines after his wife gave him a son. This was not anywhere near close to the first boarding action that he had undertaken, and to be completely fair, this one had all the promises of being fairly tame.

The lift doors opened, displaying the bridge. It was crowded, each station manned with a few extra crew members standing about. Although all of the crew on the bridge carefully made sure that they kept their hands where the alert Star Fleet Officers could see them, the hostility on the bridge was nearly palpable.

The Romulan Captain, stood when the four came into the room, turning to them.

"What is the meaning of this, Commander?" Khellian snapped at Acle, clearly noticing his rank pips quickly and judging him to be the senior of the officers present. "The Romulan Empire will not be pleased when they hear that a Starfleet vessel has detained and boarded a Romulan vessel without provocation!"

Acle lifted an eyebrow and offered a slight smile. He did not immediately answer the Romulan. "Greetings Commander. I am Commander Walex, of the USS Iapetus." Acle gestured to Rogan "This is Ensign Rogan, our Chief Diplomatic Officer. The other members of my party are of no concern to you." Acle said. The lack of an introduction was by no means a lack of respect for either the security officer or the intelligence officer, but, was simply a tool to be used to unbalance the Romulan. Besides, Sara needed space in which to work, and identifying anyone as a intelligence officer was generally considered foolhardy.

"To answer your question, the USS Iapetus is well within the bounds of Interstellar Law and all accompanying treaties. The Romulan Star Empire will be fully apprised of this situation, let me assure you." Acle said.

"You will have noticed I have been cooperative thus far, Starfleet," the Romulan responded curtly. As is my right under the Treaty of Algeron, I demand to know the reason for this intrusion on my ship, or I will declare it an illegal action against the Empire."

Acle turned to look at Rogan, his eyebrow raised in question.

Chris stood forward. He took stock of the Romulan officer before him. He held his hands behind his back. His right knee was locked tight. "He's nervous," Chris whispered into Acle ear. "Most likely he's hiding something that could get him in trouble."

Acle nodded, then turned back to the Romulan. "We have evidence that you have stolen technology from the United Federation of Planets. Under interstellar law, this would constitute an act of war between the Romulan Star Empire and the Federation."

"We have done no such thing, Starfleet," the Romulan commander insisted, referring to Acle by the name of his organisation again. "Our Empire, for whatever reason that is beyond me, seems to favour the alliance our peoples share, and I am a loyal servant of that Empire."

Acle let a smirk settle on his face. "Of course you haven't commander. If you have nothing to fear, then why are you nervous?" Acle walked slightly towards the bow of the bridge. "Commander, have you perhaps heard the human phrase 'I was not born yesterday?' ?" Acle did not wait for a response before continuing on. "I will advise you that whatever you say in our conversations will be monitored and possibly held against you in a court of interstellar law. I only tell you this as it is your legal right, even though you are not a citizen of the Federation." Acle paused then, and turned to look at Khelllian. "Would your Star Empire afford me the same courtesy?" he asked, while throwing a hidden glance towards Sara to see if she was picking up anything.

Khellian, his attention focussed on Acle, oblivious to whatever sign or gesture Sara may have made, but refused to rise to comment on the Commander's jibe.

"It isn't really of any matter, however, as I don't really plan on ever visiting the Romulan Star Empire. To much green for my taste. Green ships, green blood, even green weapons." Acle concluded. He wasn't sure if his tactic was working, of trying to unbalance the Romulan, but, it was really the only card he had. If the Commander grew curious about the rest of the teams that were on-board his ship, he would no doubt conclude where the other team was heading. There really would only be one true reason why Starfleet would search his vessel, even if Acle hadn't alluded to it.

Acle once again did not allow the Romulan to respond, even though it was clear to the onlookers that he was becoming quite agitated. "So tell me Commander... Will we find anything once I order the team on-board your ship to search it?" Acle asked, wording his question carefully.

"Your teams are already on-board my ship, searching it," the Romulan retorted, knowing that more than these four had boarded with the initial docking complete. "The fact that neither you or I have heard from then would appear to indicate that they can find nothing, does it not?"

As if on cue, Acle's combadge chirped. "Bravo Team to Alpha Team. Objective complete. Please advise." Jordan's voice said over the device.

Acle offered a slight smile then nodded to the commander. "Don't do anything rash Sir. Under interstellar law and applying treaties, Starfleet is seizing your vessel. Do not resist, as resistance would be met with appropriate force. Standby for our security teams to arrive." Acle said, then responded to the communication from bravo team.

Acle finished, and gestured with his head to the rest of the team, knowing that Petty Officer Junix would stay behind to cover the bridge. He gave one last smile to the commander before the lift doors closed.


Captain Vorn Krace
Commanding Officer
(Playing Khellian, the Romulan Commander)

Commander Acle Walex
Executive Officer

Lieutenant Commander Sara Archer
Chief Intelligence Officer

Ensign Chrisopher Rogan
Chief Diplomatic Officer


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