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Facility Operation

Posted on Fri Dec 7th, 2012 @ 12:20am by Captain Vorn Krace & Commander Acle Walex & Commander Jordan Gunning & Lieutenant JG Emily Hamson & Lieutenant JG Nicholas Tenebroso & Ensign Dillen Vantas
Edited on on Fri Dec 7th, 2012 @ 12:21am

Mission: Heart of an Explorer
Location: Maltorra - Temporary Medical Lab

Gunning's isolation suit fitted snugly but limited his range of movements. His attempts to sweep a room were brought to a juddering halt by the suit's connected helmet which meant pivoting one's entire body in order to look around. "I'd be thankful for getting rid of these in favor of something that actually lends itself to holding a rifle."

"You're not used to it yet?" Investigations Officer Vantas shot back playfully before realizing, by virtue of Gunning's derisory glance that she had overstepped the mark.

"Bring in the next one," Tenebroso said, looking at the nurse standing next to the lab entrance, as he and Lieutenant Hamson stood, clad in isolation suits, over the bio bed which had so far assisted them in taking readings from a number of relatively healthy Maltorans. As the nurse went to do as instructed, Nicholas looked up at his colleague. "You know," he said. "It won't be long before we're going to need to start taking readings from infected members of these people."

"If it should come to that, then it will advance our research and improve our results. The quicker we find a cure, the quicker we can help these people." She said firmly.

Gunning stepped over a lying power cable and glanced over Tenebroso's shoulder. "We'll need to make absolutely sure that we're not opening ourselves up to any unnecessary danger. I don't want to see the good doctor having his arms torn asunder by infected Maltorrans."

"Commander," the doctor said, looking up at the suited security chief with a grin behind his own helmet. "My job is to help find out as much as we can about this virus. Yours is to make sure that I don't have to re-attach any of our limbs afterwards."

Gunning's laugh escaped the suit in a compressed, near-robotic hiss. "And there was me thinking you might be a fightin' doctor."

Acle stepped through a nearby divider, entering the same room as everyone else. He was newly arrived from the starship. Like every other Starfleet personnel on the ground, he too was fitted into the bulky suit. Acle moved to the security chief and the doctor.

"Any problems?" he asked the two officers.

"If you discount the fact that the Doctor isn't prepared to have his limbs ripped off in the line of duty then no." Gunning reported casually. "On the serious front; I have no major security concerns at the moment."

"I would rather prefer not to get my limbs ripped off as well if I can avoid it." Acle said in reply as he looked around the planet-side operation. "Doc, how is the data gathering going?"

"Well, so far," the assistant CMO responded, moving away from his now equipment whilst he had a few free moments. "We've almost got enough data for the computer to be able to run an analysis and determine some baseline healthy norms for this species, but after that comes the hard part; we're going to need some live samples of this virus, and to study its affect on those infected with it."

Acle nodded slowly. "We pretty much have carte blanche when it comes to investigating this disease when it comes to the local government. Still, we want to be as unobtrusive as possible in obtaining a... specimen I suppose." Acle said, hesitating briefly over the name of the diseased sentient. "Do we have anything in the works so far Commander?" Acle asked, directing his question to the chief of security again.

"I'm taking it under advisement. I'm happy to allow the doctors to do as they require as long as they keep themselves out of arms reach. I'd personally recommend stunning an infected individual and bringing them back here." Gunning looked around the room. "My only concern is that the act of hitting one might encourage more."

"I would also advise caution on just about how we 'obtain' a diseased individual," the doctor added, chiming in. "The locals appear nervous about us enough as it is, though we have been able to appease their fears slightly with the knowledge that we're looking to help them with this virus. Firing a phaser beam at any of them - diseased or no - would likely cause a panic situation."

Acle nodded. "Makes sense to me." Acle turned back to the Commander. "Ensure that the gathering method is discrete, but do not engage in any unnecessary risk. Get with Chief Th'raas and begin the operation as soon as feasible. Keep us apprised of the situation." Acle said before offering a slight smile. "Try to avoid limbs being ripped off; too much paperwork involved."

"I'll do my best," Gunning responded non-committally. He had dealt with enough of these situations to know that one should never make guarantees against a maiming or two.

"I'll try, Commander," the doctor responded with a grin, as he returned to his examination table beginning to get things ready for their next 'patient'.

Commander Acle Walex
First Officer

Commander Jordan Gunning
Chief of Security

Lieutenant JG Emily Hamson
Chief Science Officer


Lieutenant JG Nicholas Tenebroso (NPC - Krace)
Asst. Chief Medical Officer
USS Iapetus


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