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Conflict Resolution

Posted on Sun May 23rd, 2010 @ 7:25pm by Captain Vorn Krace & Commander Peter Brown & Lieutenant Commander Abigail Valera & Lieutenant Commander Sara Archer & Commander Jordan Gunning & Lieutenant JG Jourdan Abbott & Lieutenant JG Lucas Jameson & Lieutenant JG Winter Balmorra & Lieutenant JG Christopher Rogan

Mission: Borderline Diplomacy
Location: Various
Timeline: MD08 1556hrs

As the two ships drifted in space, carefully staying out of each other's weapons range, the crews on both were getting restless.

"Let's just finish the cowards off, Sovereign!" It was the most common thought in the minds of almost the entire bridge crew on Lissek's ship, but none had dared speak it until Junix, the tactical officer, spoke up. The bridge crew fully expected the outburst to be severely reprimanded with a strike to the face, followed by a drag to the brig. Instead however, Lissek smiled. "Yes, I think we have waited long enough," he said, tapping a command on the side of his chair, opening a channel to the Federation ship.

As he drew breath to throw a few insults at the Federation command to entice him into a rash manoeuvre, bleeping consoles gave him pause, as he turned to one of his officers.

"Sovereign, our signal is being hacked," the communications officer reported, before the Elyshan's eyes were drawn to the wave of static that was passing up their screen. The same was happening too on the Iapetus' viewscreen, the comm. hack not being focused enough to transmit to just one of the ships on whose signal it was piggybacking.

As the static on the screen resolved, it presented the face of a human in Starfleet red uniform. The face of a human who it was clear did not appreciate his negotiations having been disrupted, and his team being held captive.

"Lissek," Vorn said, his tone calm, yet carrying the sharpness of a newly forged bat'leth. "Your coup is over. We have Atakimpa and his 'command' team in custody. I suggest you stand down."

Allison allowed herself to breathe a sigh of relief. The Captain was alive and looked relatively uninjured. She hoped the same could be said for her boss.

Jourdan just simply smiled, she was happy the captain was alive but she was keeping a close eye on the Elyshan ship.

Abigail felt tears in her eyes, but she brushed them away quickly. The Captain was alive!

Luc was surprised at the Captain's presence on the screen. He grinned and yelled "Nice to see you boss."

"Captain,"Chris announced. "I think we should request them to stand down."

"Stand down? Ha!" A wave of arrogance washed over Lissek. "You're a fool if you think I would negotiate with you. Do you really having Atakimpa is enough leverage to get me to listen to you? I could blast you into a million little pieces from orbit and never break a sweat."

Vorn's smile was chilling. "That would not be wise, Lissek. You see, those weapons you placed on Bevrud to 'help' Atakimpa 'defend' it? Well, with the help of Sovereign Kutan, they are now under my control. And they are targeted directly at your warp core." Vorn nodded to someone off-screen as he finished.

It took a moment for the universal translator to allow Jordan to operate the controls. Even with the conversion it was still- at best- pigeon English that he was getting from it. He twisted his hand round what he hoped was the charge control and positioned his hand over the fire command. "Ready to fire on your order, Captain."

Peter was on an other Station entering commands as the information is displayed "Mr. Gunning the Sensor Readings on the vessel should be on your station to help pick your weak points."

"Thank you, Commander." The Tactical officer replied as he reviewed the information that had been provided. He picked a spot on the hull, just around the engineering deck. According to the specifications he had on this cannon, he would probably be able to vapourise their entire warp core with one shot.

Cathcart heard the muffled voice of the Chief Tactical officer come in over the comm system. She sat back in her chair and a smile cracked across her face. After so long out of contact it was easy to believe that people who she cared about could have been hurt or even dead. To her untrained ear, however, Jordan sounded okay. She tapped out a quick message to the rest of the Tactical and Security staff informing them that the away team was okay.

Luc sat there with a grin, but it was no different to his usual one. There was no need for him to show anything else to anyone, so he wouldn't.

Winter could only stare at the situation unfolding around her, while the Captain might be acting with more Bravado then usual, it did create a no nonsense I'm through with playing games atmosphere on the bridge.

"They're playing to our honor. Sir." Chris stood up from his chair. "Challenging us to destroy them."

Lissek's arrogance faded just as quickly as it appeared. "You have my attention, Captain. Perhaps you could come aboard and we can discuss this like men?"

"Do you think I am a fool, Lissek?" Vorn snapped at the humbler man. "Do you really expect me to come aboard your ship to be taken as your hostage? No. You will turn your ship around, and leave Bevrud space immediately, or I will open fire."

The sovereign turned in a huff away from the viewscreen and shouted several orders in Elyshan. Turning back to the screen, he glared at Krace and bared his teeth. "This isn't over, Captain. I guarantee the Federation hasn't seen the last of me!" He pressed a command on his console, and the screen when blank. Replacing Lissek's face was a view of the Elyshan ship, which adjusted its course away from Bevrudl orbit.

Vorn breathed a sigh of relief that the Elyshan rogue had decided to save them both another fight, and smiled at the small chirp his combadge made, now that the block on communications had been lifted - obviously the device that had been utilised to cause the effect had been on Lissek's ship. "Krace to Iapetus," he said, tapping it lightly, before glancing at the officers around him. "Make the docking port ready for us, and make sure there are some warm drinks to go around. We'll be coming back home shortly. Away team out."

Captain Vorn Krace
Commanding Officer

Commander Peter Brown
Chief Strategic Operations Officer

Lieutenant Commander Abigail Valera
Chief Science Officer

Lieutenant Commander Sara Archer
Intelligence Operative

Lieutenant Jordan Gunning
Chief Tactical/Security Officer

Lieutenant JG Lucas Jameson
Chief Engineering Officer

Lieutenant JG Winter Balmorra
Chief Medical Officer

Lieutenant JG Jourdan Abbott
Chief Operations Officer

Ensign Christopher Rogan
Chief Diplomatic Officer
USS Iapetus


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