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Commence Operations

Posted on Sun Aug 14th, 2011 @ 1:38pm by Commander Acle Walex & Commander Jordan Gunning & Lieutenant Commander Sara Archer & Lieutenant Commander Zim Drex & Lieutenant Elizabeth Lynn & Lieutenant JG Martin Cook & Lieutenant Elena Valdez & Lieutenant JG Emily Hamson & Lieutenant JG Christopher Rogan & Captain Vorn Krace

Mission: The Fate of the Swiftsure
Location: USS Iapetus Ready Room
Timeline: MD08 1200 hrs

Acle stood looking out the viewscreen. The ship had cleared the passage several hours ago, but, Drekasta was alight with the shimmering fire that was all about it. It was an impressive sight to say the least. He sighed and turned to look at his Captain.

Vorn sat in his usual position at the conference table. He was reading from a padd in his hands, but, looked up once Acle turned.

"You can call them now Number One." Vorn said.

Acle nodded before hitting his combadge. "All Senior Staff to the Ready Room. I say again, all senior staff to the ready room." Acle said, before finding his own seat next to his captain.

Jordan came through the door just as Acle took his hand off his commbadge. "Afternoon, gents." He said, seeming unusually chipper. "How's things?"

Emily entered first holding a PADD in her hand so she could make notes during the meeting.

Chris entered the Ready Room and took a seat in the closest chair possible. He crossed his leg and took in the room.

Drex entered with a stainless mug showing the commbadge emblem and the ship's registry on the side. "Have we bumped into any asteroids yet?" He asked in a quirky tone, taking his seat and letting his coffee cool this time before going at it.

Sara slipped in and took a place towards the back of the room, not saying a word.

Martin walked in just after Drex and Sara, taking his seat next to the chief engineer. "I might nudge a couple on the way out for you. Give your repair teams something to do." He smirked, taking a drink of water to clear his throat.

Elena arrived next and pulled up a chair with a friendly smile for everyone in the room.

Vorn nodded once everyone was assembled. "Commander Walex will handle the briefing" he said by way of starting.

Acle stood, looking at the conference table. "As you all know, this will primarily be a search and rescue mission. We don't know how or why or even if we were betrayed by this merchant, so we will treat him as innocent until we receive further information."

Acle moved to the wall, where a map of the solar system was represented. Although the map was in 2D, it gave a fairly accurate representation. "Currently, we are here, where we will remain. The Iapetus will assume a stationary point and act as command and control center for operations. From here, we will launch shuttle patrols throughout the star system." Acle pointed to another area on the display. "This is a space station here. This will be our first point of interest. Personally, I highly doubt that we will find our missing merchant there, but, we could gather useful intelligence."

Acle took a breath before continuing "Dr Valdez, Counselor Lynn, myself, and Lieutenant Drex will remain here to coordinate and observe. Lieutenants Cook and Hamson will patrol this sector here and here" Acle said, pointing to spots on the map deep with the system, beyond a screen of asteroids. "Each of you will be in command of a shuttle craft. Commanders Archer and Gunning along with Lieutenant Rogan will look around on the space station itself." Acle finished before looking about the conference table.

"Will we be looking for anything particular whilst we're patrolling the sector?" She asked Commander Walex.

Acle offered a slight smile "We will be looking for our friend the Merchant. I'm hopeful that we can find something informative of his location somewhere on the station, but, I highly doubt we will actually find him. Thus, these patrols may very well be the only way to find him." Acle said, by way of answer.

Martin looked over to Lieutenant Hamson and nodded in approval. "It's always good to get out in a shuttlecraft. I'm looking forward to it." He had felt certain he would've been stuck on the bridge for this operation but it was a nice surprise to hear otherwise.

"The networking probes have been modified to operate in this system, and we'll be routing the telemetry from the shuttles directly to Astrometrics." Drex reported in.

"Commander," Sara spoke up from the back. "If we are to determine any leads regarding an information leak, should we take initiative to follow the lead or report back to the Iapetus for instructions?" Sara was used to working on operations like this alone. In most cases she was authorized to make those calls herself, but serving aboard a starship during peacetime is not the same as operating undercover during war.

Acle paused for a moment, glancing back at the captain. "I'll allow the Captain to answer that."

"Follow up on any leads that you find, but inform us of your actions," Krace answered, leaning forward in his chair and resting his arms on the conference table. "It is going to be difficult enough keeping track of movements within the asteroid field as it is. We need to be able to locate you quickly if the need arises for rapid extraction or assistance."

Gunning was getting to be sick of the interior of space stations. Especially ones where people might have designs on shooting him. "Fair enough. I assume that if we get the chance to we should do our best to extract as much information about the area as we can?"

Krace nodded. "Your primary objective is Varro, but Starfleet still has limited knowledge on this region of space. Anything that you come across that will add to the knowledge base of this region, do what you can to get it."

"If there are no more questions," Krace said, as the conversation obviously died down to its final stages. "You're all dismissed. You have your duties, see to them."

Captain Vorn Krace
Commanding Officer

Commander Acle Walex
Executive Officer

Lt. Commander Jordan Gunning
Chief of Security/Second Officer

Lt. Commander Sara Archer
Chief Intelligence Officer

Lieutenant Zim Drex
Chief Engineer

Lieutenant Elizabeth Lynn
Chief Counsellor

Lieutenant JG Martin Cook
Chief Helmsman

Lieutenant JG Elena Valdez
Chief Medical Officcer

Lieutenant JG Emily Hamson
Chief Science Officer

Lieutenant JG Christopher Rogan
Chief Diplomatic Officer


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